Do we DARE?

Today’s word prompt from Kate Motaung is DARE. Join us for #FiveMinuteFriday every week when we write for the love of writing. No extreme editing, no over-thinking.


Step out of the boat, Peter. Just put one foot over the side and you are halfway there. See? You are standing on the water! You can’t believe it is happening but here you are. The Master stands across the sea beckoning you to come. “Do not be afraid!” He calls. He invites you to come.

Taking the first step was amazing. The second? Unbelievable. I am walking on water!

But then? That old familiar feeling of doubt in our human abilities crept in and Peter began to sink.

Peter believed enough to get out of the boat but his faith wavered in the water.

We face so many challenges and difficulties in this journey called LIFE. Some are big, some not so much, but each one is monstrous in our eyes. It is OUR challenge, OUR trial.


Do we dare take the risk when God is doing the nudging? Can we trust in the One who knows all things, sees all things, and created all things? Even us?

Do we dare to get out of the comfort zone and take a giant leap of faith knowing God’s in control?

Or will we remain glued to what we know best and never experience what Peter did when he took the couple of steps…literally walking on water!

So many heroes of faith DARED. Many of them gave their lives because they dared to be different, took risks and scaled the highest of mountains. They made a difference, some even turned their entire cities upside down.

What has God been nudging you to do? Have you been asking yourself the question, “Do I dare? Do I step out and trust God or do I stay where I am, always wondering about what could have been?”

Friend, the rewards are greater than the fear. Greater than the apprehension and the knot in your stomach. Do not worry about others…there will always be doubters and as one of My Three Sons says, “Haters gonna hate.”

THEY do not matter! But you do, and what you do for the Kingdom matters. You can be a trailblazer, one that sets your city, your world, on fire for God or you can stick with the status quo and never know whether you would have changed the course of history or saved one soul from eternity without God.

So, do you dare?



Sharing with Faith and Fellowship Friday, Faith Filled Friday

6 thoughts on “Do we DARE?

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    Love this, Beth. I need to get out of my comfort zone more to when it comes to sharing HIM. Thank you for the reminder and blessings to you!!

  2. Candace Jo Post author

    Amen, Lisa, it helps to know for sure God is in it!

  3. Candace Jo Post author

    Blessings, Liz, so happy it was something that helped you today. I will pray that God will help you and give wisdom and courage. ♥

  4. Simply Beth

    There is something about this prompt word and the words from others today that is speaking to my heart. I think has something to do with what my word for 2015 will be. I don’t think it’s the word dare but some word that speaks to going more outside of my comfort zone in sharing His good news. We shall see. But your post encouraged today. I need to come visit you more often. Blessings. xoxo

  5. Liz

    Oh goodness. This is the perfect post for me to read this morning. I have had a lot of questions running through my mind, even asking friends for some extra encouragement in whether or not to step out of my comfort zone and into a place in life that may not feel comfortable at first but seems like the next place I should go and be. Thank you!!

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