Tag Archives: Apostle Paul

When Ye Fast: Tighten that Belt!

When Ye Fast: Tighten that Belt! Today we are talking about putting on the Armor of God. We are posting every day in January for those that are beginning the New Year with fasting! You can read yesterday’s post here, here and here.

Jump here and read the scripture first! I will wait for you! It’s a little long but necessary.

Awesome, so now we know that putting on the armor of God gives us power to resist the enemy. Paul tells us the battle is not with people, it is “against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”.

Spiritual warfare. This is serious stuff. In order to stand, in order to be effective in our own circle, to be a witness, to have the strength and wisdom to recognize an attack from the enemy and how to resist, we must put on that armor every day. A soldier wouldn’t think of going out to face his enemy without his suit!

Today’s average soldier carries at least 60 pounds of gear, including weaponry and body armor, which we will discuss later. If they are going on an extended mission, that weight could double! And their cold weather load could be over 100 pounds. Yikes!

They have to be strong, they have to be prepared to even suit up. The soldier will have spent hours upon hours in training and much practice on how to even get all of his gear on.

While on a fast of any kind, we must be aware every day of what we are putting on.

  • Is it godly?
  • Is it necessary?
  • Is it beneficial for the Kingdom’s sake?

Fasting is not just going without food; if we are not praying and asking God to reveal our shortcomings and ways to draw closer to Him, we are wasting our time. God will speak to you during your fast and begin to show you things that are not part of your necessary armor. And He will also reveal those things that you may have discarded that are crucial to your walk.

So, whether you have begun your fast or not, consider things that might be getting in the way of your armor. Remember, the armor of God will strengthen you, not drag you down! Ask God to show you things that have crept in and you might need to address.

As you can see, the first thing mentioned is the Belt of Truth. There is no point even trying to put on any of the other pieces of armor if we are not girded, completely wrapped in truth! Winning the battle, any and every battle of spiritual warfare, doesn’t require us to take on the devil alone, no, to win this battle we submit to our God, put on truth and all of the armor of God and the devil doesn’t stand a chance!

Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6. 

The Apostle Paul based his reference to the armor on the Roman soldier of his day. This was a soldier prepared for battle. Their belt was not like we wear today to hold up our pants or as a fashion accessory. This belt was a thick leather and metal band which also had a protective piece hanging down from it in the front. This belt held their sword and other weapons. Did you catch that? This first piece of armor that we are to put on, this Truth, holds the Sword, the Word of God! Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” John 17:17. The Word is Truth!

Think of the power portrayed here. Think of the power given to us, to you, when you put on the belt of truth. This is the foundation for all other pieces of armor, this is the foundation of our faith. When we are rooted and grounded in Truth, we are unshakable and we are able to stand against the attacks of the enemy.

The best way to do that, to be on guard, is to fast and pray.

Temptation will come while you are fasting, expect it. Jesus, who was hungry the Bible says, responded to temptation with the Word of God. He declares that it isn’t the temporary things of this world that will sustain us in difficult times, it is the Word, that foundation, that Truth that comes directly from GOD, the Creator of the Universe, that will

  • Keep us
  • Protect us
  • Fulfill us
  • Convict us
  • Strengthen us
  • Provide for us
  • Watch over us
  • Save us and much, much more!

The Bible says to “gird your loins”, not a phrase you hear much of any more for sure. But the meaning is far reaching and pretty awesome. Gird means to tighten your belt, to get ready for a dangerous situation, prepare for a military attack, be ready for any confrontation!

Tomorrow we will look at the Breastplate of Righteousness. Be blessed as you fast unto the Lord, whether you are fasting now or later in the month, I pray you are encouraged to STAND.

Do you have your copy of my easy-to-read Fasting Devotional? Don’t let the title fool you! It is a 21 day devotion for ANY FAST. Each day is an example of someone in the Bible who fasted, some for the wrong reason as well, and what we can glean from them. There are also Daniel Fast recipes and instructions for following that fast as well. Available at Amazon.com in Kindle or paperback!

Think on These Things

So happy to have my friend, Liz Freeman, as a guest writer today! (Her bio is at the end of the article.)  She shares Think on These Things from a personal perspective and I know it will bless you. Maybe you know of someone else who would benefit from it? Pass it on!

I know of a young man who took his life recently. Clearly, he was loved and appreciated by those who knew him. After reading post after post telling of his sense of humor, his ability to welcome people to church, to be a friend, to be active in church, it’s hard to understand what would have caused him to do something so desperate.

I looked at some photos on Instagram today, and something I saw brought a wave of emotions. I don’t remember what the photos were. I couldn’t tell you all the images and feelings that came to mind, but I remember that they made me sad. While the images that caused this reaction weren’t sad in and of themselves, that was the reaction I had. They made me think of things that were in the past; things that never had a chance to happen; missed opportunities. To people who see me each day, it wouldn’t be evident that I felt these things. I don’t talk about them. No one would ever know.

It’s easy to mask these feelings. We can laugh and cut up with a crowd of friends while having these feelings in the background. We can participate in events, get wrapped up in the busyness of life – something which most people take as being a sign of everything being okay – when, in reality, in our minds we are isolated.

When the question is asked, “What could have driven this person to do such a thing?” we should think that there is always a part of a person that is hidden; a private part of ourselves that we never show. There might be unwanted consequences of exposing such private thoughts. “We all wrestle with demons” is a true statement for many. Usually it’s an expression associated with addictions or other bad behaviors, but often, it’s just what runs around in our minds. The truth is, this is spiritual warfare we battle in our minds.

Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

I believe that to those who knew this young man, the things he thought and felt that brought him to that fateful day would have never been on their radar. I believe we all have these moments. It’s how our brains work. Still, for some of us, it can become a force that can drop us into a depth of sadness that we have to claw our way out of. The feelings can last for a moment, for months, or for a lifetime.

Over the years, I’ve learned to recognize this attack when it happens. I’ve also learned to resist it. Now, instead of dwelling on these moments and allowing myself to become lost in “what ifs”, I stop and do whatever I have to do to change the direction of my thinking. I “bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”. It’s a learned behavior; something we must train ourselves to do.

Paul also tells us how to do this: Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

I wish this young man had learned these things in time. I hope his friends and family don’t blame themselves for “missing the signs”. From what I’ve seen and heard, there weren’t any. I hope they can think of the things in his life that were honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and worthy of praise. I hope when they think of him, they’ll remember these things.

You also may enjoy A Plea to the Desperate, a true story we witnessed while in Sicily.

Liz Freeman began writing and editing articles as a volunteer for Endtime Magazine. She has edited several books for Endtime Ministries including: Revelation Commentary, and Dark Intentions: Inside the Mind of the Antichrist. She is also fluent in Spanish and served as music director for Los Pentecostales de Murfreesboro.

Liz is married to Terry Freeman, and they have two daughters, Elizabeth and Victoria, and two granddaughters, Olivia and Charlotte. They now serve as assistant pastors for Life Bridge Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

What’s in a name?

#FiveMinuteFriday! Word prompt is Woman. Join me for What’s in a name?!

Names are intriguing at times. Just take mine, for instance. No, really, take it! Yvonne is my first name but my parents have always called me by my middle name, Nannette, which I prefer. Yvonne was my grandmother’s name, it’s always an honor to be named after someone and I adored my grandmother.

Then there is the origin behind Nannette. Obviously, both names have French roots and even sound better if the French are doing the pronouncing. You might think my parents had some rich friends from Paris that visited often and the wife’s name was Nannette Eloise Babineaux (BAB-in-oh). Elegant. Classy. Cosmopolitan!

But no, my parents didn’t have French friends, had never been to France and didn’t take French in high school. They did have a friend though that influenced my name and that friend had a dog. A french poodle, to be exact. And the French poodle had a name.



So, with all confidence when someone asks, “Who were you named after?” or “Nannette is such a pretty name, is it in your family?” Ugh.

I was named after a dog, people, a dog.

Names matter. Names are remembered. Names have lifelong consequences or blessings! The Book of Acts only briefly mentions a woman with an unusual name that we do not hear much of today.

In the 17th chapter of Acts,  the Apostle Paul is preaching on Mars Hill and addressing The UNKNOWN GOD that the people of Athens had inscribed on an altar. It is said that about 600  years before Paul preached in Athens that a devastating plague tore through the city. A man named Epimenides thought he could please the gods by sacrifice so he let loose a flock of sheep through the town and wherever they lay down that was where they sacrificed that particular sheep: to the god that had the nearest shrine. If it didn’t lay down near a shrine or temple then they sacrificed it To the Unknown God. But Paul let them know, “The God who created the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, because it is He who gives to all life and breath and all things.” 

What comes next gives a woman a place in Biblical history and leaves us to forever wonder about her life, her relationship with God, her faith and her conversion.

So Paul went out from their midst. But some men joined him and believed, among whom also were Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them.” Acts 17:33-34 ESV. (Emphasis mine.)

A woman named Damaris? She is mentioned by name this one time in the Bible and we are given no other information about her except that she joined Paul and she believed.

The Greek meaning of the name Damaris refers to a calf or heifer. Probably not going to mention this to my expectant daughter-in-law as a name choice for our little one on the way!

But the Latin name means gentle and after reading the account of Paul’s sermon, understanding the background of the people in Athens and their infatuation with The Unknown God, I thought that maybe, just maybe, this woman named Damaris was given her name for a purpose, even if it wasn’t revealed to her parents at the time. Quite unlike me and my French poodle.

Her spirit was gentle and yet perhaps it was strong-willed, meaning when she was convinced of something she wasn’t about to let go. “But some men joined him and believed…and a woman named Damaris…” For a woman to be mentioned in scripture in this fashion was a big deal and says to me that she was singled out for a reason. She was wooed by the Savior, by the scripture, not only for her personal salvation but for her influence. Damaris was likely well known and perhaps looked up to in the community and when she joined Paul, when she believed in Jesus Christ, this gentle woman plowed through the rest of her life letting others know about the One who gave His life for everyone.  She wasn’t intimidated by those that did NOT believe, 

Can the same be said of us today? When we walk by do others get a sense of peace because we shine the Light of Christ or do they whisper about that woman who does nothing but cause division?

A woman named ___________________________. Insert your name here and determine from this day forward to be like Damaris. Even though we know so little…okay…. we know nothing about her; we are looking at that name and surmising that she was strong as a bull but yet gentle like a dove. A perfect combination for a soul winner. Be that woman!

(You might also like my humorous post about my alter ego. Read it here!)