Tag Archives: Stop drop and pray

Would you please pray for me…NOW?

Several times each day I see requests on social media for prayer. From Facebook to Instagram and Twitter, group Bible studies, countless emails and everything in between.  There are needs.

Endless needs.

The request usually goes something like this: “My daughter is in the hospital and I am worried sick, would you please pray?”

“I have a coworker whose husband left her and she needs prayer. Would you pray with me?”

“We just lost our grandson, we are devastated. Please pray for us.”

Of course, these are just examples but they mirror true requests that we all see every day.

The response?

“I will pray.”


“Joining with you in prayer.”

“Believing and praying for your need!”

“Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you…”

Again, these are examples and well-meaning replies. We all do it and thank God we do!

But speaking from experience, how many times do we reply with that good intention, to be sure and pray for them when our prayer time rolls around again? Then, when that happens, whether it is six hours, twelve hours or twenty four…we have forgotten the literal pile of requests that have accumulated throughout the day!

I am guilty. Sometimes I do not even mutter a simple prayer as I scroll through to the next one…I am in a hurry, I will pray later.

It doesn’t mean we have to go get our Bible, run to a particular spot and pray for 15 or 30 minutes.

It means to pray a sincere prayer, asking God to meet that need, right then, right there.

There would be hundreds of us, sometimes thousands, calling out the need all day long, when we see it, when we hear it, when we are asked…when we won’t forget.

I received an email from a missionary this week and he had an urgent need. He needed prayer. Right now.  His request for us?

Stop. Drop. Pray.

Stop Drop Pray

Whatever you are doing, wherever you are, Stop. Drop everything. Pray.

“What if I am driving?”

You can still pray! Don’t be careless, just call on His name!

I had another message this week from someone close to me. He related a story of their coworker who came to him at work saying her two year old grandbaby was at the ER right then. She was very upset and extremely concerned. She also wanted to be there. She just asked, “Would you be sure and pray?” My friend turned to her and he said, “Why don’t we do that right now?”

Then he just gently took her hand…and prayed. Right there. In the office. Nothing big and loud, nothing to draw attention, yet not hiding in a corner. He prayed a simple prayer of protection, healing and peace for all involved.

Naturally, she began to cry, as soon as he started to pray, but God showed up! Her countenance changed and she was so grateful that someone would actually PRAY, not just say they would pray

Have you tried that? Have you reached out when the need was urgent, when it just couldn’t wait, and prayed for a friend?

It will overwhelm them, comfort them, touch them like your promises may never do.

You know what will happen? They will feel Jesus! He will come, because you asked, and He will touch them, bless them, let them feel His presence near. That peace, that passes all understanding, will surround both of you as you release those burdens to the Savior.

Why don’t we make it our motto?

Stop. Drop. Pray.

If it is convenient, sure, get on your knees! Humble yourself before a mighty God and call on that Name above every Name!

But if you cannot do that, at least stop where you are, drop what you are doing, and pray. With your heart, pour the need out to God sincerely.

Watch what will happen and how it will increase not only your faith but those around you.

Because faith? Well, friend, it is contagious.

Here are some other posts on prayer that might encourage you: Ceaseless Prayer, But Prayer, Gossip and Prayerlessness, and Praying or Prying?


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