You like me, you really like me?!

I love pizza, chocolate, anything made with oats, all varieties of bread, and Dr. Pepper. I adore Dr. Pepper.

I love puppies! (For the record I do NOT like cats, never have, never will, but this post cannot be about my dislikes…and I don’t want to make enemies with my cat-loving friends! But…if I see a picture of you kissing your cat on social media…my scrolling fingers go into overtime!)

I love springtime, summertime, fall and even winter.

Yes, I love snow!

I love the drama of it all and the hype, but mostly I just love those unique, no-two-are-ever-the-same white, fluffy flakes that continually pile upon one another to create a blanket of beauty. It covers up the ugly in winter and, even if only for a little while, everything is beautiful and post-card perfect.

I love people. I try to LOVE everybody. (But, admittedly, some people are difficult to LIKE.) Everybody wants to be loved and accepted for who they are. But most of us have struggled at some point in our lives to believe that we can be loved by anyone unconditionally.

Our parents love us, that’s a given thankfully, in most cases. Our spouses are supposed to love us and we give that love back in return.

We love our children! We show them our love in many ways, hugs, kisses, encouraging remarks, even gifts.

We seek out love; we search for it if we are not blessed to have it handed to us. Everyone wants to be loved.

Every day, in a myriad of ways, we long for approval from those in our circle of life. We get on social media and see if how many “likes” we received today.

If we blog, or have a website, we check those stats as if it were the Dow Jones ticker. Are we up today? How many comments did we receive? Is this going to be the post that goes VIRAL?

Sally Field was actually quoting a line from her movie, “Norma Rae” when she said, “You like me, right now, you like me!” It is forever misquoted as, “You like me, you really like me!” She was ecstatic with her new Oscar and her words resonated with millions.

If we are honest with ourselves, we all want to be approved. It starts very early in our childhood. Our teachers hand out stickers, and give check-marks and plus signs on our report card. An accolade from Mrs. Jones in the fourth grade goes a long way in building the self-esteem of a child.

We rush home to Mom and Dad to show off our A+’s and high marks, knowing this will make them happy and proud of us.

It is almost impossible to get away from the need for acceptance. Even as adults we worry about what everyone will think of us: What we look like, what we wear, how we talk, how much money we make…and the list goes on and on.

I have always struggled with a lack of self-confidence. Even when I received the gift of the Holy Spirit, and knew then that I was accepted, saved and on my way to Heaven, I still doubted at times that God would love ME, that He would pardon ME, save ME, answer MY prayers. That ugly need for approval, constantly trying to do what I thought would make my God happy, kept creeping back into my conscience.

But God doesn’t look at us that same way! When He said, “It is finished”, He meant everything! He was telling us then that we no longer have to search for approval, no longer have to worry about being loved, liked, and accepted. He, as the Potter, takes us and molds us, fashions us into perfection in His sight.

Go back a few years to when you were on the school playground and they are getting a game of basketball, baseball, or maybe the dreaded DODGE-ball…whoever invented that game was evil. Period. But I digress. You choose two captains and they start picking their team.

Who do they pick first? Hopefully the best player, sometimes just the most popular, but down the line they go until there are just one or two people left. Have you ever “been there”? Have you been picked last? There is no more horrible feeling in the world than to be the “One-that-nobody-else-wanted”.

You might as well go sit in the bleachers or go find a good game of hopscotch. You weren’t “good enough” to be chosen with the talented, the popular, the good looking.

You were last.

It doesn’t end in grade school. The need for approval continues long into adulthood, it never ends.

But with my God, there are no rejects! There is no preferential treatment! He loves us all the same and He invited us, every single one, to just “Come”.

“I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10.

You can lay down that need for approval because you have been Pre-Approved by Jesus Christ! He loves, He gives, and He takes away that constant search for acceptance. Then we are FREE to love Him! FREE to have our HOPE in Him!

We can be thankful today for a God that loves us unconditionally and completely.


49 thoughts on “You like me, you really like me?!

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    Ha, thanks Mel! So happy to find friends who think alike 🙂 And you are right, seeking approval leads to disappointment. Thank you for Essential Fridays!

  2. Candace Jo Post author

    So funny! I was afraid I would get “hate mail” over the cat comment. 🙂 I am nearly terrified of the sneaky critters. Thankfully, all of my cat loving friends took it in jest. Thank you for Word Filled Wednesday!

  3. Jenifer Metzger

    Ok, we are very much alike. 🙂 I love pizza and chocolate and I have a GREAT dislike for cats. And totally agree with you on the cats and social media thing! Lol.

    Thanks for linking up with Woman to Woman’s Word Filled Wednesday! God bless!

  4. melcaldicott

    I love what you love! I am excited about this book by Jennifer Dukes Lee and know that seeking approval can lead to disappointment. Thanks for sharing at Essential Fridays.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions

  5. Candace Jo Post author

    So happy you found me! You are so welcome here, God bless you richly, He always know what we need. ♥

  6. Candace Jo Post author

    Sharon, I don’t believe in coincidences…God knows how to get our attention 🙂 He loves you Sharon!! Blessings dear friend. ♥

  7. kentuckygal50

    Found you through the Weekly Homemaking Party at Hope in Every Season. I really, really needed to hear this today. Thank you so much!

  8. Sharon

    Right now God is speaking very pointedly to me. Your post is the 3rd one I’ve read today about approval *issues* – and I’m beginning to hear Him loud and clear.

    Here’s what He’s saying, “I like you. I really, really like you. And I’m rather in love with you, too.”

    Ah, balm to my soul!


  9. Candace Jo Post author

    So glad it was a blessing Tracy…thanks for stopping by!

  10. Candace Jo Post author

    Amen, just as I am! Thank you Joy!

  11. Candace Jo Post author

    Lol, yay! Thank you, I like you too! ♥

  12. Candace Jo Post author

    That is a wonderful thought, to not let the hurts others inflict take hold or dwell in our minds! Thank you, Beth.

  13. Candace Jo Post author

    Thanks BJ, appreciate your comments!

  14. Candace Jo Post author

    Amen, holding His pre-approval in our hearts and let it take hold as truth! Love that, Mary! Thank you.

  15. passagethroughgrace

    Just what I needed to hear today! I have been struggling with acceptance and approval especially this week. I will hold God’s pre approval in my heart and let it take hold as truth. Thank you for the encouragement! Mary

  16. messymarriage

    “I’m Pre-Approved!” Woo hoo! That’s a wonderful thought to let my mind rest on today, Nannette. For the Lenten season I’m choosing not to ruminate on the hurts others inflict on me. If I replace those thoughts with the fact that God “Pre-Approves” of me, then I’ll be set to fast that ugly habit away and grow closer to the Lord on top of it all! Hugs to you, sweet and brave friend!

  17. Tracy

    So me in a nutshell….thanks so much for sharing this it was just what I needed today!

  18. Gentle Joy

    Great post……and so true…….I am glad I don’t have to win the approval of God – He loves me as I am. 🙂 Gentle Joy

  19. Candace Jo Post author

    Amen! Thank you for stopping by today! Blessings…

  20. Candace Jo Post author

    Thanks for tweeting me Holly. I am enjoying it too and loved your post and picture! ♥

  21. Candace Jo Post author

    I am too Lyli! Glad to be a small part. Blessings to you!

  22. Hazel Moon

    We do seek approval, and to be noticed. At times I have felt invisable to others, but then God knows where I am and he does love me (and you) unconditionally and approves of us.

    Thank you for sharing with us here at “Tell Me a Story.”

  23. Holly Barrett

    Great encouragement here, Nannette. I’m enjoying the Love Idol Movement and blogged about it yesterday!! Thanks for linking up to Testimony Tuesday, friend.

  24. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you Laura! Made my day 🙂 I’m glad to be a part. ♥

  25. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you Cheryl, so glad you came by. I hope you are doing well today friend! ♥

  26. Candace Jo Post author

    Love that you don’t even look at your stats Floyd. I was caught up in that at the beginning of this “blogging thing”. Felt disappointed if they were down, elated when they were up, etc. But God says it’s not about me! If I put Him first and trust Him, He will take care of the audience, I just do the writing. I think it sure takes the pressure off! Like you said, if ONE is touched, our calling is worthy. Blessings!

  27. Candace Jo Post author

    Me too Mindy! He is ever merciful!

  28. Candace Jo Post author

    Blessings Caryn, so happy to meet so many new friends. Even more thankful for that unconditional love! ♥

  29. Candace Jo Post author

    Yes it is a common one! I am glad He has turned my world upside down. I’ve never been the same and don’t want to be!! And I am new to the blogging world, just coming up on my one year anniversary 🙂 Jennifer Dukes Lee has been kind to me and made me feel welcome to this “family”. I am definitely not in the same writer’s category, I have a hard time seeing myself as a writer at all. I just stepped out of my comfort zone because the Lord told me too…it’s a long story but here I am. I hope I can help someone see their worth in HIM! Thank you for coming by today and for your words. ♥

  30. Candace Jo Post author

    So true Libby, in this day and age it is all about acceptance and looking the part. God doesn’t look on the outside! ♥

  31. Candace Jo Post author

    Oh Lisa, this is so funny because I meant DODGEBALL, not Kickball! See how old I am getting!! I hated dodgeball, cruelest game ever! Thanks for reminding me. Why do boys like it so much?? 🙂

  32. Candace Jo Post author

    Beautifully said!! I struggled at first to know what to say in this Love Idol movement. I know I have more than one and I have been trying to “work” on them myself for sometime. This weekend I said, “God, I can’t fix these things!!” I can’t, but HE can! Thank you for coming by friend.

  33. Candace Jo Post author

    Made me smile to know there are others out there like ME 😉 We are dogsitting our “grand-dog” for a few days. She is an English Bulldog PUPPY and the cutest thing ever. I have never had a dog in my house the entire 34 years I have been married! But she gets away with murder…we are suckers for that face! I am thankful God is a fan of us, love how you said that. Blessings!

  34. Candace Jo Post author

    Blessings Beth, we are loved AND approved by our Maker! Thank you for stopping by today. ♥

  35. laura

    Yes, you are more than like, but loved deeply, friend :). I’m so glad you are going on the Love Idol journey. Excited to see what God does through it.

  36. Simply Beth

    I loved every word of this, Nannette. Such encouragement…words my heart needs to hear. THANK YOU!

  37. Lisa notes...

    I’m a huge Dr. Pepper fan, too. And pizza and chocolate. And dogs. 🙂

    I’m so glad God is a fan of us, just because we’re his kids! He has no rejects. Lovely thought. Thanks, Nannette!

  38. joanneviola

    I loved this post, Nanette, maybe because I can relate so well with being picked last, loving snow (!!!), running home to show my parents my beautiful report cards, etc. But I mostly loved this post because it reminded me that even while I was running home with my report card, BEFORE anyone even saw it, I was already pre-approved. So glad we are going to go on this journey together!

  39. Lisa

    So true! We go searching all over for acceptance and neglect to turn to the only One who accepts us unconditionally. (P.S. worse than kickball – DODGEBALL! Ugh! – my son’s favorite sport of course. He didn’t get that from his mother!)

  40. Libby

    Thank you for these encouraging words today. If ever we need to be reassured of God’s unconditional love it is now.

  41. kagwrites

    Nannette…why have we not met before? Love your fun writing style and this story of approval of men from way back when…it is a common one..yes? Then we meet Jesus and everything turns upside down or right side up…it just is amazing the acceptance we have in Christ…unearned..unmerited..approval.

  42. Caryn Christensen

    Yes, THIS…” I still doubted at times that God would love ME, that He would pardon ME, save ME, answer MY prayers.” And I love what you said here, “With God…there is no preferential treatment.” Such a good reminder that He loves us unconditionally and without reservations. Great post!

  43. Mindy

    Loved unconditionally and completely – indeed! So grateful for that love.

  44. Floyd

    Good call. We’re all insecure and in need of being accepted, but I think less so with time and wisdom from the One who pre-approved us. I have to fight the pride and ego issues too. I haven’t checked my stats in years, I just don’t want to get caught up in something that doesn’t bring honor to Who we serve. If one is touched by our words then our calling is worthy of the One we serve.

    Thanks for the reminder of our weaknesses and moreover, our Strength!

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