Category Archives: Faith At Work

Is there any hope?

Is there any hope?

On December 17, 1927, USS S-4 (SS-109), an eight year old S-class submarine, was submerged just off the coast of Provincetown, Massachusetts. Right nearby, on the surface, the USCGC Paulding, a Coast Guard destroyer, was headed southeast. At 3:37 in the afternoon, the officer of the deck on the Coast Guard ship didn’t see the periscope of the submarine until it was too late. The Paulding unintentionally rammed the sub with a section of her bow, crushing into the hull of S-4 and punching a hole in the ballast tank and one in the pressure hull. 

Freezing water flooded into the boat and she immediately began to sink. The saltwater flooding the battery compartment mixed with battery acid and formed toxic chlorine gas, quickly filling any space not yet occupied by water. Soon the deadly gas was forced by the water into where the survivors were huddling. By morning, when the first rescue diver knocked on the torpedo loading hatch, he was met with six slow taps in response to his question about how many had survived. Six men were still alive.

But try as they may, help was not coming fast enough. The next to last communication heard from the remaining crew in Morse code was “Is there any hope?” But unfortunately, the toxic gas took the lives of all 40 men.

Hope comes in many different forms and we use the word, as we do the word Love, interchangeably for the big and the small all throughout our lives. We hope we get an A on our test. We hope the cute boy in the third row looks our way. We hope we receive a Christmas bonus. We hope for a boy or a girl…or both! 

We may also hope for enough money to pay the rent, buy milk for the baby that we hoped for and hope that our hope is enough to sustain us until, hopefully, something better comes along. 

We even hope for hope!

But Jesus said we didn’t have to live that way any longer. He came as the Hope of the World! Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” 

In a world full of darkness and seemingly constant despair, Jesus is our hope, our peace, our confidence and no matter what comes into our lives, even the unthinkable, He has promised to NEVER leave us or forsake us! NEVER! 

We like to think we live in a picture perfect world especially after we give our hearts and lives to God. Filled with His spirit, we can conquer anything according to the Word of God. But we are still living in a sin-filled world until Jesus returns for His church and we will face things here just as the disciples did many, many years ago. 

And just as the men on the submarine faced…..they wanted to know if there was hope and yet they perished. Why? Because we aren’t promised a life without trouble or pain but we are promised that Jesus will be WITH us, IN us and right beside us no matter what we go through. And news flash, we don’t live forever down here! Our hope is in eternity and no doubt there were men on that submarine tapping into their Hope, finding that perfect peace in their last moments; Jesus didn’t forsake them, He walked them into eternity!

The HOPE we have today is that He is WITH us, He is IN us, and the more we pray and read and depend on His Word, the more confident we become in that glorious Hope.

Hope has a name and it’s JESUS!

We don’t have to be afraid, we don’t have to live in a constant state of worry and anxiety. We can still live joyfully and accomplish what God has put us here to do: tell others what He has done for us; share the Gospel, the Good News, that Jesus gave HIS life for us that we could live FOREVER with Him someday. And until that day comes, we can live victoriously and full of hope here on this earth, abounding in the work of God, encouraging our neighbor and bringing that Hope, sharing that Hope, with those we come in contact with.

Spend this week studying about hope in the Bible. Look up scriptures pertaining to hope and see how Jesus has always been, and still is, that Hope that saved the world!

Then, remember that there are others watching you and desiring to have what you have, don’t keep Him to yourself, Jesus Christ, the Living Hope!

For the kingdom


Little boy, barely old enough to talk. A tiny guy of few words, he was always lovable. The last of three, he was definitely spoiled not only by his parents but by his two older brothers, one by 5 1/2 years the other by 11. He followed them around like a puppy, emulating their every move.


He was everybody’s baby, passed around endlessly at church, fought over by teenage girls way before his time, with little blond curls that were just too hard to resist.

But when exhaustion had set in and he couldn’t take another step, he would melt everyone’s heart with two little words when he would come running up to  you, arms open wide like a funnel and say, “Holdju! Holdju!”

Whoever happened to be the recipient of his affection at the time would lean over, scoop him up and immediately that little head would plop on your shoulder. Victory.

He knew where to go, he knew what to do, he even knew what to say.

Hold you.

Do you? Know where to run when exhaustion has taken over your body, your mind and your very soul?

Do you? Know what to do when you cannot take another step, feel like your world is crashing in and even those closest to you can’t help?

Do you? Know what to say, how to cry out for help and be assured of a response?

When we have reached the end of our rope and are so overwhelmed with LIFE, Jesus is just waiting. Waiting for us to give in, to come running and to surrender to Him! He wants to scoop us up in His everlasting arms and give us the comfort, strength and peace that we so desperately need. “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms!” Deuteronomy 33:27

Hold you, Jesus? Yes, if we can reach up and call on His name, He will respond.

Don’t be afraid to let Jesus know your need.

Reach up, call out and let Him holdju.


God sends people.

Years ago, during a particularly trying time in my life, I was desperate for answers. I had been praying and asking God for a miracle, or at least for clear direction. I imagined letters falling from heaven and lightning bolts to come out of the sky in answer to my prayer.

But it didn’t happen.

God answered the prayer in an unexpected way. He sent a person. He sent a friend in this instance.

This friend drove from another state, several hours, just to BE with all of us. She didn’t even have the answers; God had not given her specific direction but to GO. So she did just that. She stayed until God said to go back home and all was well. God knew what we needed at that time; we needed Him and He came through our friend.

Look at the story of Moses in the Book of Exodus 18:13-27. Moses was spending from sun-up to sun-down weighing the problems of the people. It didn’t matter how trivial or how important it was, they waited in line to talk to Moses, the man of God. Moses was worn out, physically, mentally and spiritually! Who wouldn’t be? We don’t have proof that Moses even asked God for help but Jehovah-Jireh knew something had to be done.

He sent Jethro. Jethro was Moses’ father-in-law and although he was just there to visit, he was watching what was taking place every day and he could easily see Moses was stretched too thin.  His answer? He suggested wisely that Moses appoint leaders over 1,000, over 100, over 50 and over 10 people. Moses would deal with the hard stuff and the capable people he appointed would deal with the day-to-day matters of what kind of toilet tissue to buy.

In this instance, God didn’t speak directly to Moses as He had done before, He didn’t even whisper to him in a still small voice. He sent another person.

Your answered prayer may come in many different forms. One of my favorite sermons of all time was preached by a man from Louisiana who told of the hardships he had experienced growing up in a home with no father. His mother was a very hard working Christian woman; there just wasn’t enough to go around. But his mother knew how to pray and he said she didn’t just bow her head and mumble a few words but she would shut herself in her bedroom and bombard the heavens until the answer came.

One particular time they were completely out of groceries of any kind. She told the children that she was going to prayer and was not coming out until God sent an answer. She began to pray and remind God of all He had done for her before, how He could see those precious little ones, that she was faithful to serve Him and loved Him with all of her heart. She quoted scripture on how He promised to never leave or forsake her.

All of a sudden there came a knock at the door and the little boy opened the door to see a man standing there that he did not recognize. He asked to speak to the woman of the house but the little boy knew he dare not bother Momma, she had warned in no uncertain circumstances for anyone to interrupt her prayer time. The man asked again and again to see her and the children refused. The man got in his pickup truck, and instead of tearing out the driveway, he turned it around and backed it up to the tiny house trailer. He began unloading sack after sack after sack, full of all the staples any household would ever need, and then some. He filled the kitchen table, the counter tops, the kitchen floor and all the way to the door. When he was finished he simply said, “Goodbye” as the children watched in shock and awe.

The little boy ran to his mother’s room and began to beat on the door. “Don’t bother me, Son, I’m praying!” The little boy was trying to tell her what had happened but she prayed on. Finally, he could stand it no longer and yelled as loud as he could, “The answer already came!”

Momma came out to find her home full of groceries and began to shout and praise God. He had answered her prayer, not with money, but by another person who was willing to go and listen to the voice of God.

“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow….” Matthew 6:31-34.

Are you waiting on an answer from the Lord? He provides! He might not answer the way YOU think He should but answer He will. He might even tell you to wait or to be patient in the waiting but the answer will come.

It might come in the form of another.

Unexpected and surprising, God might just send people to answer your prayer.

Has He surprised you at other times with an unexpected answer, in an unexpected way? Share with us your testimony to encourage others!