Category Archives: gospel

when your surprise doesn't look like you expected

When your surprise doesn’t look like you expected

“Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future only He can see.” ~Corrie ten Boom

When we were living and working in the country of Latvia, The Sweetheart went on a prayer walk by himself one day. Most everyone he would meet on the street spoke either Latvian or Russian, unless they were 30 years or younger, then they were taught English as the international business language in school. So there was not much interaction, but plenty of time for praying, as you walked.

Coming upon a little park area, he noticed a man slumped over, shirtless and likely inebriated. He felt led to talk to the man and at least see if he could help in some small way so he started over towards the park bench when all of a sudden, the naked-from-the-waist-up man sat up and The Sweetheart shockingly discovered he was not a he but a she! Surprise! Likely in her late 60’s, heavy set and definitely not cared for, this poor soul was so drunk she had left the house without any upper clothing.

None. Nada. Zilch. Naked.

Lord! Why would you lead me to talk to someone like this? She won’t speak English, she isn’t half there and how could I be of help to her when I can’t even look at her? Arguing with himself and with God, he decides to go into the little market and get some meat, bread and water to at least have something to offer her if he must go through with this mission.

Coming out of the market, he sees Latvian policija have approached the poor soul and were helping her back to her apartment. A sense of relief and confusion came over him as he wondered what it all meant.

Did he miss the opportunity because he hesitated?

when your surprise doesn't look like you expected


Sad and sorrowful, thinking he had totally messed up a chance to share the Gospel, or at least be the hands and feet of Jesus, he stood there wondering what to do next when he saw him.

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:37-40 NKJV.

Digging in the trash in the park was another older man, who was really a man, with all of his clothes on. Obviously, he had not eaten a good meal, or a fresh meal, in a long time and truly looked destitute. The Sweetheart approached him, and in his limited Russian, offered him his little lunch. Surprised and thankful the elderly man uttered, “Spasiba! Spasiba!” thanking him over and over for his generosity.

He wasn’t able to share the Good News that Jesus saves but he was able to bless him and give him strength for his physical body. Was that what it was all about? Was the Lord just wanting to see, like Abraham with Isaac, whether this American, out of place in Eastern Europe, would be willing to approach a lost soul, any soul, and trust God to take care of the rest?

I think so. The Sweetheart discovered much about himself that day and discovered much about others as well. We are all lost like the woman on the park bench or the man digging in the trash. We might even be wealthy and think we have need of nothing but in reality, stripped bare, we are all the same: lost and undone if we do not have Jesus Christ.

How many people do we pass on a daily basis that are hungry, physically or spiritually, that are just waiting for someone to stop and share either their lunch or the bread of life? Are we too busy? Are we too embarrassed to be seen with some of them?

Will we let God surprise us in the big and little ways and allow ourselves to be a tool in the hand of the Creator?

God will use us for great things if we make ourselves available in the little. Some of the situations might surprise us and some might cause a giggle or two (I like to think even God was smiling while watching The Sweetheart in his dilemma). But the surprise might really be when we stand before the throne and discover that one that we reached for, shared with, or just offered a cup of water to, might be standing beside us.

Remember, one plants, another waters but God gives the surprise, the increase.


When babies don’t feel welcome in The Church

When babies don’t feel welcome in The Church

If you are acquainted with me or Hope in the Healing even just the least little bit, you are aware that we have been blessed with a miracle grandbaby, Norah Jayne. With us now just 4 1/2 months, she already trumps every plan and every move we make; our lives are centered around this little bundle of joy.


Our family took a vacation together to the mountains to celebrate my DIL’s birthday and to just be together this past weekend. We also dedicated our precious miracle and gave her back to the Lord in a beautiful, intimate ceremony in the Smoky Mountains. Norah had her Mommy and Daddy of course, norah1her cousin Liam who read a beautiful tribute he had written,norah5

her Nanny on Mommy’s side,IMG_3246

her Uncle Krisnorah0

and Uncle Koreynorah4

plus The Sweetheart and Yours Truly, a.k.a., Nana and Poppy.norah3

It was beautiful!norah

Norah’s pediatrician had given the go-ahead for baby cereal to be introduced and Mommy decided that when we were all together would be the perfect time to let Norah be fed with a spoon for the first time.norah8

I truly wish someone had been there to take pictures of all of US taking pictures of Norah. Eight people hovering around cheering her on as if she were the only person on the planet to ever eat cereal. (She wasn’t overly thrilled at first but caught on pretty fast!)

Then, Sunday night, we were privileged to be in service in Knoxville where I heard a pastor compare the attention we give to new babies, and rightly so, to the attention, or lack of, that we give to newcomers and visitors to our churches.

when babies dont feel welcome in the church


When you welcome a new baby into the family (btw, that term has always intrigued me…are there any OLD babies?) they don’t have to beg for your attention, do they? They don’t have to ask to be loved, held, hugged and snuggled or to be included in family functions! In fact, it is quite the opposite, they are the center of all the attention. The baby is usually the reason we gather together. There isn’t anything they do that we aren’t overjoyed with and more cell phones are pointed at that newborn than Jennifer Lopez on the red carpet.

Do we make over them as we do a newborn that has just entered our family? The Bible says the angels rejoice when ONE sinner repents!

What about when they walk in the door? Is it only the ushers that greet them? Are they then left to feel awkward as they make their way to a seat and hope it doesn’t belong to someone else? After they are seated, what about those in front and behind them? If that is you, do you turn around and speak?

“Well, I am shy. I wait until they speak to me.” Seriously? Is that what we do with a baby? Wait until they notice us, or speak to us? No, because they are a baby! They are the newcomer in the room and need someone to care for them, to love them, to help them find their way.

Anyone can say, “Hello! So glad you are here!” Especially if they are new converts or visitors that do not know the Lord, they need to feel as if they belong so that they will return. We want them to feel the presence of God and His love and it begins with us because He is IN us!

I have been a newcomer, more than once. I have also been the pastor’s wife so I have seen all sides. Recently we made a major move to another city, another state, to be near Norah Jayne. Our new church family has been amazing in making us feel at home. Some of them we have known a while, some only from a distance, and most we are just learning their names. But every time I walk in those doors, not just one person speaks and welcomes me but several. Others have given up their seats so we could have a place to sit! I have never felt as if I was taking someone’s seat and that is a testimony to great leadership, teaching and examples of servanthood.

A baby that is ignored, not fed, not loved and not made to feel welcome will do one thing.

It will die.

And a new baby in Christ will do the same thing if they are not made to feel as if they are the most important person in the room…because they are.

Love on them, welcome them, invite them out for Sunday dinner or over to your home for conversation. Go shopping with them, to a ballgame, INCLUDE them in church activities or group events. Have a Bible study going in your home? Let them hear about it! If announcements are made about something going on at the church, a dinner, fundraiser, etc., make sure and tell that newcomer that you will be looking for them there and then follow through. Invite them to sit with you so they don’t feel uncomfortable. It makes all the difference in the world.

Yes, babies are a lot of work. It takes time to care for them, nurture them and give them the tools they need to grow. But they will grow and they will become workers in the Kingdom who will then reach out to other babies and so on and so on. Remember, they are not ready for steak and eggs. It takes time for them to learn so don’t expect them to get everything right. In fact, we can learn from them! Babies are filled with wonder with everything they come into contact with. Everything. Their eyes light up with every bit of knowledge they take in.

Babies, kind of like puppies, also think YOU are wonderful and new converts are no different. Just as a baby and toddler will copy their parents or siblings, so will a newcomer to the Lord. They will imitate you and watch your every move. Make sure you practice what you preach so as not to be a stumbling block to them. Remember what it felt like to be the new kid on the block whether it was at school, a job or your church. You don’t want them to get six weeks or six months down the road and say they just couldn’t fit in or feel as if they didn’t belong.

This is the Gospel in action. This is what Jesus came to do and this is the commission He gave us as well. Preach the Gospel, walk in love so that we can point others to Him. It’s not about us when the baby enters the room, it’s all about them.

Love those babies, He has entrusted them in your care!

For the Kingdom

Sharing with Messes to Messages, Wholehearted Wednesday, Women with IntentionTell His StoryFamily fun Friday, Grace and Truth, Word of God Speak, Amaze Me Mondays, Living Proverbs 31, Modest Monday

Because sometimes God has skin

The Church The bodyToday we begin a short series on The Body, The Church. We will learn what it means to be a part of the Body of Christ, its benefits and responsibilities. Join us!

Most have probably heard the story of the little girl who was afraid to sleep in her own room and kept running to Mom and Dad, begging to sleep with them. They would assure her all was well and back to her bed she would go only to return in a few minutes. Finally, her parents tried to comfort her by saying that God was with her and watching over her. That wasn’t quite what the child wanted to hear for, as she put it, “Sometimes I need God with skin on!”

Sometimes God sends someone with skin on. The Body of Christ wasn’t meant to sit on a church pew and soak up endless teaching and blessings, hoarding them to ourselves.


We are to GO and DO and BE Jesus in this world. We are His skin, so to speak.

because sometimes God has skin

I saw a video clip this week of a young man who was having what he thought was a bad day. So much to do, so little time to do it and he admitted he was simply in a bad mood. He walks out of a store to see a lady in her car, maybe early 60’s, bald and obviously waiting on someone. To pass the time she was reading a book.

The young man gets in his car and is immediately struck with the impression to go back in the store and get the woman a bouquet of flowers. What?! “I’m busy, I’m aggravated and I just don’t want to, Lord.” But, being obedient, he goes back in and brings the flowers to her car window where he stumbles over his words and says something like, “I know we don’t know each other but I felt impressed to give you these flowers and hopefully encourage you to smile.”

Naturally, the lady burst into tears…the man quietly walks back to his car, broken, humbled and all of his troubles put into perspective in an instant. He will never know what she was going through or what the flowers represented to her but, rest assured, she needed to hear from the Lord that day.

God comes to us in so many different ways; His Word, a thought, prayer, worship and music, creation and nature and other believers. He even spoke through a donkey in the Old Testament to make a point!

Jesus, God manifested in the flesh, came with skin and walked among His own. He loved, He shared, He pointed the way. He WAS the WAY.


Even though we may not see the physical Jesus in the flesh, sitting on a throne here on Earth, we see The scripture says,  “For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in…” Matthew 5:25. He expects us to treat those around us as we would treat Him. So how do we do that? How do we become Jesus with skin?

  • Be sensitive. That comes through prayer and the Word.
  • Be engaging. When you are sensitive and the Lord leads you to someone, don’t just stand around wondering if He means YOU. He does! So step in and go in faith.
  • Be real. Don’t hide your testimony and don’t pretend like you have it all together. Let others know you NEED Jesus every. single. day. You aren’t above mistakes and you still mess up but you serve a God that not only forgives but supplies you with what you need for each new day.
  • Be faithful. If you say you are going to do something, do it. If something needs to be done, don’t ask if you can help, just help! Be a friend, be a mentor, be a confidante and do them all well. Don’t gossip about your friend or their problem, pray to the One who can actually do something about it.

Jesus with skin? That’s you, me, the Body. We were put here for a purpose and that is to share the love of God in order to help others come to know Him. And when they do? They will then do the same!

For the kingdom
Sharing with Living Proverbs 31, Modest Mondays, Making your home sing, Good morning Mondays, Mommy Moments