Category Archives: Love of God

Bacon is a Memory

“…he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” Titus 3:5
Bacon is a Memory

Today’s word prompt is awesome. Bacon, bacon, bacon!! Join me for a trip down memory lane…and check out some of the other great writers at Kate Motaung’s place for #FiveMinuteFriday!

Bacon. I can still smell it today. I can see my Mamaw Cammie standing in the tiny kitchen, before the sun would come up, getting breakfast and lunch ready for my Papaw Dubie. He worked in a stone mill after WWII and retired from there sometime in the 1970’s.

But Mamaw Cammie’s bacon wasn’t just any bacon. We called it Joe Bacon. Once I grew up, I discovered it was really Jowl Bacon, which is also pronounced JOEL, in some parts of the country so they weren’t that far off. (smile) What is jowl bacon? Just what it sounds like, it is the smoked cheeks of the pig. It is much thicker, heavily smoked and a little salty. It’s crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside and of course, tastes heavenly, just like regular belly bacon. (Now for those that are freaking out over eating the jowls, first of all if you eat any pork at all, well, enough said. And if you eat a hot dog? Yeah, okay. Jowl bacon is much, much better than a hot dog!)  So, jowl bacon is delicious, smells heavenly in the frying pan and makes your entire breakfast taste better.

My beautiful grandmother took her Joe Bacon just one step further. She floured it before she fried it! Oh. My. Word. How these people lived past their 50’s is beyond me but they did. Floured it, fried it up and, even though it was deadly, it was fantastic. I always marveled that she fixed it every single day. Every day! Most of the time there were eggs and toast (she made the best toast ever), other days it was biscuits and gravy. Sometimes she mixed up pancake batter. (Hungry yet?)

Bacon is a Memory

This post isn’t just about bacon. It’s about memories.

For me, when I smell bacon frying, I am taken back to another lifetime with the radio playing in the background, the smell of Lucky Strike unfiltered cigarettes (deadly!) and sometimes the oven door open to help heat up the kitchen early in the morning.

It’s about my grandfather putting on his work boots, grabbing his silver, metal lunchbox with the black handle, and giving my grandmother a kiss as he walked out the door to work. And it’s all about the comfort, the safety and the love that I felt in that kitchen as my grandparents doted over me and my siblings.

My grandfather, my Papaw Dubie, never had a relationship with Jesus as far as I know. I DO know he believed in God and believed He gave His life for us but I always thought he kind of held a grudge because of the war. He was not a big talker and I had the impression that he was happy for all of us but religion wasn’t for him.

I prayed for him on his deathbed, I was the only one with him when he died because we had all been taking turns, and I DO believe in deathbed repentance. Of course I cannot say with assurance that he knew the Lord but I do pray he found that peace that we treasure today, that our sweet Savior lifted his heavy burdens that he carried from fighting on the front line in Italy. The torment that he suffered from losing so many of his friends haunted him the rest of his life. I placed him in the hands of a merciful God and prayed that he would let go of everything that had him bound and reach up for the One who makes all things new. Thankfully, we are not man’s judge nor do we know their heart.

“For you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy to all them that call on you.” Psalm 86:5.

That’s what it is all about, isn’t it? Mercy. We have all been extended mercy and all we have to do is receive it!

Do you have a bacon memory? Or is there another food that every time you smell it you are transported back to another lifetime? I would love to hear about it and so would our readers.

If you are like my Papaw Dubie, bound by the past or listening to the enemy whisper that you aren’t good enough, strong enough or important enough for Jesus to rescue…those are lies! Our loving Savior is no respecter of persons and wants to reach down to you today and heal your hurts, calm your fears and erase your pain. He can do that if you just open your heart and ask Him in.

Perhaps you aren’t sure what that all means or how to go about it? Please respond here or email me privately at  I would be happy to help and pray with you.

Blessings to you and your memories today.


Sharing with Faith Filled Friday, Fellowship Fridays, Grace and Truth, Modest Monday

I sink, I faint, I fall: The story behind Jesus, Lover of My Soul

When Charles Wesley and his brother John were traveling the world preaching the Gospel in the mid 1700’s, it was a difficult and uneasy season. There was an awakening happening in the Church and at times things even became


Once when Wesley was preaching in Ireland, about 1740, he was attacked by a group who did not think he was preaching Truth. Wesley ran away and stumbled upon a farmhouse where the farmer’s wife hid him in the milk house. The unruly gang also made it to the house and demanded the farmers give up Wesley. She gave them refreshments hoping to calm them down and while they were eating she slipped out to where Wesley was hiding and sent him to conceal himself under a hedge nearby.

There, by a quiet brook, Wesley could see and hear those that were chasing him. While he was waiting for them to leave, he penned a prayer, a hymn, of the One in which he really took retreat. From that poem we have one of the greatest hymns in the book: Jesus, Lover of My Soul. (Joseph Parry wrote the most popular melody to go along with the lyrics in 1879.)

Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to Thy bosom fly,
While the nearer waters roll, while the tempest still is high.
Hide me, O my Savior, hide, till the storm of life is past;
Safe into the haven guide; O receive my soul at last.
Other refuge have I none, hangs my helpless soul on Thee;
Leave, ah! leave me not alone, still support and comfort me.
All my trust on Thee is stayed, all my help from Thee I bring;
Cover my defenseless head with the shadow of Thy wing.
Wilt Thou not regard my call? Wilt Thou not accept my prayer?
Lo! I sink, I faint, I fall, Lo! on Thee I cast my care;
Reach me out Thy gracious hand! While I of Thy strength receive,
Hoping against hope I stand, dying, and behold, I live.
Thou, O Christ, art all I want, more than all in Thee I find;
Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, heal the sick, and lead the blind.
Just and holy is Thy Name, I am all unrighteousness;
False and full of sin I am; Thou art full of truth and grace.
Plenteous grace with Thee is found, grace to cover all my sin;
Let the healing streams abound; make and keep me pure within.
Thou of life the fountain art, freely let me take of Thee;
Spring Thou up within my heart; rise to all eternity.

Henry Ward Beecher once said of the beloved hymn, “I would rather have written that hymn of Wesley’s, ‘Jesus, Lover of My Soul’ than to have the fame of all the kings that ever sat on earth. It is more glorious; it has more power in it. I would rather be the author of that hymn than to hold the wealth of the richest man in New York. It will go on singing until the trump brings froth the angel band; and then I think it will mount up on some lip to the very presence of God.”

I am sure as Charles Wesley sat underneath that hedge, hiding from a mob that wanted to do him harm, that he wasn’t thinking of the thousands upon thousands that would forever sing this hymn. He didn’t think of the strength that would come to many because of HIS suffering. But had he not went through that difficult time in his life we wouldn’t have such a wonderful truth to sing at the top of our lungs when times are hard.  His beautiful words continually remind us of the sovereignty of God and His complete majesty.

Without Him we are nothing, but when we turn to Jesus, as Wesley did that way, He can deliver, He can save and He can encourage others because of our suffering.

Let us reach for Jesus, the Lover of our Souls. He alone can satisfy the longing, for we were made to worship Him. Share the Good News with someone that is hurting today that Jesus alone can raise the fallen, cheer the faint, heal the sick, and lead the blind.

I sink, I faint, I fall but God raises me up in His time and for His purpose!

Today, everything is FREE!

Free is good. Free is always good!

I remember several years ago (can you say Vintage ’80’s?!) my sister-in-law, Sue, (who has written for us here, here and here!) won a contest at a local grocery store. She had so many minutes, (seemed like it was three), to fill her grocery cart with as much merchandise as she possibly could. If she could cram it in there and get back to the checkout in the limited amount of time then she could keep everything she had managed to squeeze in.

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Oh my, I was there that day. People were cheering her on and hollering out what to buy or what to put back. The store was not a mega supermarket; it was a small grocery chain at the time, which also meant it wasn’t a Walmart SuperCenter or a Super Target, only normal grocery items. They actually stopped everything in the store, no one was allowed to shop and no one was working; all eyes were on Sue and what she could get for FREE.

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Pack it in she did! She was smart and had thought ahead, or maybe her husband had thought for her, but she went for the high value items: Huge roasts, steaks and chops, mega-size laundry detergents and softeners (did you see the Top Job floor cleaner?), and some frozen foods. She sure didn’t waste her time on the little and insignificant things that you can buy every day, she went for things she wouldn’t normally grab or for those that were considered special for certain occasions.

What about you? Do you come in expecting to pay, over and over again, for something Jesus already gave His life for?

Friends, He paid the ultimate price and now Jesus welcomes us to come in, grab a cart and fill it up with everything He has to offer: Peace, joy in the Holy Ghost, comfort, righteousness, eternal life and so much more! He invites us to be free from anxiety, worry, fear, nervousness, dread, burdens, questions, distractions, weights and anything else that keeps us from getting rest and enjoying the life and freedom He has promised us.

We can have every,  single promise that is in His book directed to us. He holds nothing back!

Or maybe our lack of belief that He will do what He said he will do!  We end up paying for our mistakes, sometimes more than once. That is not freedom, friends.

“In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free.” Psalm 118:5.

What kind of price are you willing to continue paying for yourself or your family when you could be FREE?

“You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:13-14.

Imagine living as though every day,  you got up, grabbed your cart and said, “What do you have for me today, God? Fill up my heart with all of You and your attributes that I might go out and share it with others.”

Picture Sue in that grocery store loading up on all the good things of God instead of groceries! Then, go, fill up your cart in the morning and distribute it all day long. Go to bed, get up and repeat!


Today, everything is FREE…


The-Daniel-Fast-A-DevotionalWe can’t just wait until the New Year rolls around to fast. Especially with the state that the world is in and all that is coming upon us, we must fast and pray more now than ever before! The Daniel Fast Devotional will help you with ANY FAST. 21 days of devotions (recipes if you are doing the Daniel Fast) and three days of preparation before you begin any fast. Get your Kindle copy or paperback today! 

Sharing with FiveMinuteFriday, Fellowship Friday, Looking Up, Faith Filled Friday, Grace and Truth, Dance with Jesus, Sunday Stillness, Give me Grace, Weekend Brew