Category Archives: Mercy

Reaching for the Little Ones

What is YOUR experience with His outstretched hand?

Reaching for the Little Ones…

“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:12-14 NIV

Alford Usher Soord (1868-1915) was a British painter whose most famous work is a depiction of The Parable Of The Lost Sheep, a sheep stranded halfway down a steep cliff and the shepherd hanging perilously over the edge, risking his own life to save it.   The painting was exhibited in 1898 in the Royal Academy and by 1916, over 300,000 reproductions of it had been sold in England and America.


Soord has captured the great lengths the Savior will go to reach “the little ones”. He doesn’t want anyone to perish! In the painting, it looks as if He is in danger, His feet could slip and both of them would perish. Who would go out on a limb, literally, to save another?

Jesus did.

Calvary, the work of the Cross, doesn’t show Jesus just risking His life; it shows us that Jesus GAVE His life. He did it for each one of us, reaching across the chasm of time and eternity to even save those that no one else would dare try to redeem.

The most fascinating scene from this story is that he left the 99 on the hill just to go look for the one that was lost. Some would say that He was careless, or that He was showing preference.

Thealso did not need coddling; pampering, babying or spoiling…they were safe with the Shepherd.

But the little one was lost; in desperate need of rescue before he plunged to his eternal death.

So Jesus went searching until He found him and brought him back into the fold.

How do we feel when there we see another hanging on for dear life? Do we grumble and complain that we aren’t getting fed, we need

more programs,
more Bible studies,
more preaching,
more singing,
more things for the children,
and on and on and on…

Friends…we truly have this in the Church. I met a congregation who literally said they liked their small family church and wanted to keep it that way.

“If Jesus wants them to be saved He will send them here, we don’t have to go out looking for them.”

But Jesus did.

He risked His life for ONE. He gave His life for ONE.

YOU were that ONE that He reached down to save.

I was that ONE.

Now, will we do the same?

Reaching the Little Ones



Laying down the Law, picking up Grace…

Celebrating Anniversary Week here on Hope in the Healing! Two years ago this week you invited me into your cyber lives and I have been forever blessed. I know this past year, especially the last six months, have not been my best but I appreciate that the blog has grown and you have shared and encouraged. I thank you. Today and tomorrow I am sharing the two most viewed posts from last year. This post was in response to a She Reads Truth sharing challenge. I hope you enjoy. Blessings!

Poor Nehemiah. He leaves for Jerusalem with the intent of rebuilding the city and setting it back in its rightful place. He accomplishes this great feat in 52 days! Once it is accomplished, he must return to Babylon for a while and while he is gone, just as Moses experienced coming down from Mount Sinai, the people fall right back into their sinful ways. When he returns, history tells us ten to twelve years later, chaos is rampant.

  • One of the priests, Eliashib has set up a room for his good relative, Tobiah where they used to store the “…grain offering, the frankincense, the vessels, and the tithes of grain, wine, and oil.”  
  • The priests were also no longer receiving their pay and had literally left to go back to their homes.
  • They were working on the Sabbath! Treading out the winepresses, bringing in the grain and as Nehemiah tells it, “Tyrians also, who lived in the city, brought in fish and all kinds of goods and sold them on the Sabbath to the people of Judah, in Jerusalem itself! Nehemiah 13:16 ESV.
  • They were marrying outside of Israel. Nehemiah reminds them that was the downfall of King Solomon, the greatest king who ever lived, and loved by God, yet he fell into sin when he began to marry outside of God’s commandments.

These are just a few of the atrocities that the people were committing and Nehemiah was furious.

“Thus I cleansed them from everything foreign, and I established the duties of the priests and Levites, each in his work; and I provided for the wood offering at appointed times, and for the firstfruits. Remember me, O my God, for good.” Nehemiah 13:30-31 ESV.

It seems we are back where we started with the Israelites. We can read all throughout the book of Nehemiah, why he has this tremendous burden to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He is loyal, dedicated and committed to his beloved Jerusalem, and most of all, to his God.

Just as everything is set in place, and their fearless leader returns to Babylon, to fulfill commitments there, once again Israel sins.


Relationship, relationship, relationship.

They were not in love with the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Nehemiah. They were not committed to His ways and His laws. Maybe even in this instance they were serving man and not God.

When Jesus ascended back to Heaven, He left us His Holy Spirit to dwell IN us; a living, breathing, portion of the Father to be with us and IN us until He would return to take us unto Himself.

This Holy Ghost, as it is referred to in the Book of Acts, was, and is, intended to give us the knowledge of God, to know right from wrong and to have the power to overcome. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Acts 1:8.

 Does that mean WE never sin, if we have this power within us?

Of course not, but we do have relationship, and a desire to please the One who gave His very life for us. We are not bound by rules, but by love for a Savior.

So, why does the Book of Nehemiah end so disappointingly? What does the Lord want us to understand here about Jesus Christ and the Church?

Nehemiah continually looked back to the Savior.

He knew where his strength and help originated from. Just like Moses, he realized that those “rules” were meant to give guidance and direction to a wandering people. He set the example before them that when the Laws were broken, they could repent (turn from their sin) and God would forgive.

Ultimately, the Law, the rules, regulations, promises and covenants were virtually powerless when it came to eradicating sin in the lives of people.

Laying down the law

It is truly the grace of God, the infilling of His Spirit, that gives us the desire and the power to overcome!

The following of rules will continually cause us to look at ME instead of Jesus.

All throughout the Old Testament, we see time and time again the leaders pulling their hair out (and even some on others!), frustrated with the continual sinning of Israel. God rewards them with fantastic victories only to have them turn right around and go back to their pigpen, over, and over, and over again.

We will always be disappointed because we will never reach perfection if we are bound by contracts and misplaced promises.

Thank God for Calvary! We have a Hope and His name is Jesus!

We are saved because of who HE is, not by what we can do.



Sharing with Faith Filled Fridays, Fellowship Fridays





So I use words…

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, celebrating with your family and friends. There truly is nothing like it! I was able to spend the entire weekend with My Three Sons and my beautiful DIL, Rachel. We had such fun! I was blessed to be in church with all three of the boys, that doesn’t happen very often. I have to travel to see them because my youngest, Korey leads worship and middle son Kristopher plays the bass. My oldest son, Kyle, is the worship pastor in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. So it is difficult for them to get away. I cannot complain! The icing on the cake was the pastor’s wife, Mary Odum Hudson, giving the Word for Mother’s Day.

We finally got a decent picture taken…it’s been a while. It isn’t easy with all of the faces they make but we persevered!

photo 1 (47)

Last week I couldn’t get enough of the song, “Forever  by Kari Jobe. I believe it came out the first of the year and it definitely is making an impact. It speaks of the cross and crucifixion of our Lord but it doesn’t leave Him there! Toward the end of the song there is a recitation by  Isaac Wimberley that just preaches a beautiful sermon. He begins by saying, “If there are words for Him…then I don’t have them.” Isn’t that the truth when we try to explain the Almighty God?!

It is almost impossible to put into words Who He is, What He can do and the joy the infilling of His presence brings!

The video is at the end of the post but take time to read these words. Then try to imagine how you would describe the Lord to someone who has never heard of Him. I would love to hear your thoughts.

 If there are words for Him then I don’t have them.
You see, my brain has not yet reached the point where it could
form a thought that could adequately describe the greatness of my God,
and my lungs have not yet developed the ability to release a breath
with enough agility to breathe out the greatness of his love,
And my voice, you see,
my voice, is so inhibited, restrained by human limits
that it’s hard to even sing the praise of…
You see… if there are words for Him then I don’t have them.
My God…
His grace is remarkable, mercies are enumerable,
strength is impenetrable, He is honorable, accountable, favorable,
He is unsearchable yet knowable, indefinable yet approachable, indescribable yet personal,
He is beyond comprehension, further than imagination, constant through generations, king of every nation.
But if there are words for Him then I don’t have them.
You see, my words are few, and to try to capture the one true God,
using my vocabulary will never do,
but I use words as an expression,
an expression of worship to a Savior,
A Savior who is both worthy and deserving of my praise, so I use words.
My heart extols the Lord, blesses his name forever,
He has won my heart captured my mind and has bound them both together,
He has defeated me in my rebellion, conquered me in my sin,
He has welcomed me into his presence, completely invited me in.
He has made himself the object of my sight,
flooding me with mercies in the morning,
drowning me with grace in the night.
But if there are words for Him
then I don’t have them.
But what I do have is Good News,
for my God knew that man-made words would never do,
for words are just tools that we use to point to the Truth,
so He sent His son Jesus Christ as “The Word”, living proof,
He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation,
for by Him all things are created, giving nothingness formation,
and by His words he sustains, in the power of His Name,
for He is before all things and over all things he reigns, holy is His Name,
so praise Him for His life…
The way he persevered in strife,
the humble son of God becoming the perfect sacrifice,
praise Him for His death…
that He willingly stood in our place, that he lovingly endured the grave,
that he battled our enemy and on the third day rose in victory
He is everything that was promised,
praise Him as your risen King,
lift your voice and sing for one day He will return for us
and we will finally be united with our Savior for eternity, eternity.
So it’s not just words that I proclaim,
for my words point to “The Word” and “The Word” has a Name,
HOPE has a Name,
JOY has a Name,
PEACE has a Name,
LOVE has a Name
and that Name is Jesus Christ.
Praise His Name forever!



Sharing with Modest Monday, Titus Tuesdays, Titus 2sdays, Testimony Tuesday, Walking Redeemed, Wake up Wednesday, Homemaking party