Category Archives: Thanksgiving

When the holiday gathering goes horribly wrong

It happens.

The anticipation of the approaching holiday puts a desire for perfection inside even the most reluctant host or hostess.

You dream about all of the sights and smells and the family around the table.

You clean. Everything. From the salad bowl to the toilet bowl and even the fish bowl, all things must be presentation ready.

You pour over Pinterest recipes. Pinterest decoration suggestions. Pinterest DIY table favors. Pinterest wreaths. Pinning, pinning, pinning.

The menu planning begins. The grocery list grows and grows and grows…

Finally the day arrives and family and friends begin to trickle in. Everything is going great, the compliments are flowing and you can literally feel the love.

Then it happens. Disaster.


(This beautiful pie was made by my favorite missionary in Tallinn, Estonia, Ingunn Bakke Turner! This was taken at my first Thanksgiving overseas and her very first made-from-scratch apple pie. Isn’t it gorgeous!)

What is your worst Thanksgiving faux pas, catastrophe or embarrassment?

Did you burn the bird? I admit to overcooking the turkey on more than one occasion. Everyone has family stories of drama and can’t get-alongs in their family gatherings. Let  me share one of our family favorites:

This was The Sweetheart’s first Thanksgiving with my family and we were gathered at my paternal grandmother’s house. Cousins were oozing out the woodwork, my aunts were busy being ordered around by my grandmother and everyone else was just trying to stay out of the way.

The Sweetheart found a spot in the living room that he considered safe alongside my Uncle Joe, a quiet man of few words. When he did speak you wanted to listen to this wonderful man of God, who has since gone on to be with the Lord.

Dinner wasn’t far from being served and my grandmother wanted everything to go just so. All of a sudden we heard a tremendous crashing from the kitchen as dishes came tumbling out of the cabinet when someone reached up to get some plates. Along with the crash we heard a blood-curdling “JESUS!!!!!” as my grandmother, God rest her beautiful soul, reacted to the unfolding tragedy. But it wasn’t just one “JESUS!” it was a whole lot of “JESUS!” and the ensuing chaos that goes along with such a mess.

My poor Aunt, (she is free to correct me if I get the details incorrect), was just trying to clean up but Mamaw couldn’t calm down. It sounded much worse than it was and The Sweetheart was terrified. Everyone had jumped up from their coveted spots and hurried to see what all the excitement was about.

Except Uncle Joe. He never moved, never got excited, never even looked up from his reading material. He was cool like that.

The memory didn’t die there though. Every year, Mamaw made sure she had a cassette tape recorder documenting our entire get-together.  After we all left she would then send that tape to my Aunt Judy in Texas who didn’t get to be with us very often.

So yes, you are way ahead of me. All of the drama was recorded for our listening pleasure. For the rest of our natural lives.

I could tell you about the church Thanksgiving dinner where I walked up the steps of the church carrying my Mother’s prized pineapple upside-down cake. As I crossed the threshold, I tripped and the cake went flying and was no longer a pineapple upside down cake but a pineapple right side up!

I was mortified but I had provided plenty of laughs for all of the men just sitting on their behinds with nothing to do. I’m cool like that.

How about YOUR family gatherings?

Tell us about your ruined meals, your family fights or what you left in or out of the turkey. We want to know! (Seriously, it makes us all feel better about our own mistakes!)

This year? We are gathered in Tennessee and my daughter-in-law, Rachel, is the hostess with the mostest. Korey and Alicia have been cooking at my house and Kristopher is helping to entertain Norah Jayne. Little Lark is busy keeping away from Eisley Quinn. Rachel’s mother, Tonya, a chef herself, is in charge of the turkey and the stuffing. It is going to be amazing. Oh, and Kyle and The Sweetheart are somewhere supervising…

Blessings to you all on this family holiday. I pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and may your drama be subdued.




Thanksgiving Guests: The Good, Bad, Ugly & Adorable

All this week we are talking about being Thankful. Yesterday, I presented a short few questions I wish you would answer for me! I need a little more input for tomorrow and Friday’s post. You can see them here and thank you in advance! You can also read Monday’s post, 25 Totally Random & Fun Facts for Thanksgiving here!

Disclaimer: This post is written from an anonymous perspective (almost entirely). Just things I have heard from others over the years, things I have read and in no way reflect on my own family or friends. It is all in good fun! So if any of my own family members snub me tomorrow thinking I was talking about them or anyone is offended, you missed the point of this lighthearted post. And, even better, add your own observances from holidays past!. It’s all in good fun.

Family gatherings bring to mind smiling faces, delicious aromas wafting from the kitchen, favorite relatives conversing in the sitting room and precious little towheads running from room to room in a game of hide and seek.

But then there are the annoying. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and The Adorable Guest for Thanksgiving. Recognize anyone?

  1. The Phone Obsessed. Don’t expect conversation from these people. All day long they will be texting, scrolling and surfing. They come up for air to eat but can still hold the phone in one hand and a fork in the other.
  2. The Leftover Hoarders. You fixed the meal, you bought all the ingredients, you did all the work and will be cleaning cranberry relish out of the carpet for days. But these precious saints bring in extra throw-away containers to fill up for their family, their neighbors and coworkers!
  3. The Thanksgiving Martyr. They stayed up all night long cooking, cleaning, and preparing for the Big Day. I heard of a lady who literally laid in front of her oven All Night Long baking for her beloved family and had to tell everyone that was invited, and anyone else that would listen, how exhausted she was from the prepping.
  4. The Last-to-Show-First-to-Go. Every family has them, every family loves them. You can’t start until they get there because they might be bringing something worthwhile but you can count on them being late. Every. Single. Time. Naturally, they are the first to go as well, always having a busier schedule, more important appointments and little darlings that must have their beauty sleep.
  5. The Bragger and One-Upper. Ugh. You listen the first time through the living room but the rest of the day you avoid them if possible. How much money they make, the influential people they know, the fancy car they drive. They might even stop for a moment to ask what YOU are doing but immediately interrupt to say they did it better, faster, cheaper and for charity.
  6. The Political Debaters. Everyone avoids sitting next to, walking by or getting within 50 feet of the relative that is an expert on the current political situation. Of course these are important things but most of us at Thanksgiving are more concerned about who gets the wishbone instead of whether or not Donald Trump should be President of the U.S.A.
  7. The Bad Breath Brigade. They may be some of the nicest people to grace Planet Earth but their breath would make the family dog’s seem like baby’s breath. They always seem to want to stand six inches away from you so you are continually making a path in the carpet to try and get away.
  8. The Drama-is-your-Mama. It’s a miracle this one made it to the gathering at all there is so much going on in their life. They desire to be the center of attention and usually accomplish it. Woe is me, Eyore is my name. Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I’ll go eat worms. 
  9. The Best-Friends-As-A-Child-Now-I-Don’t-Know-You-Relative. You were probably the same age, cousins, played together all the time, grew up liking the same things, maybe even went to the same school for a few years. Inseparable. Now they are unrecognizable. Yet your parents keep going on and on about how close you were and how much you had in common. Can anyone say, “Awkward.”
  10. The Bratty Kid. You know the one. Every family has them at some point. They are loud, obnoxious and totally annoying. And they won’t leave you alone. The adoring parent never sees anything they do, from picking their nose to stomping your foot every time they pass through the room….your patience is running thin.

Holidays are the best, provide us with countless memories, good and/or bad. They are the backbone of American culture and tradition and we are blessed to have them. For all of the good, bad, disgusting and adorable we are graced with loving relatives and friends that we cherish the most.

Thanksgiving Guests The Good, Bad, Ugly & Adorable

They are one and the same.

Yes, it is true. Sometimes we annoy, sometimes we frustrate and sometimes we drive others up the wall. But if we were all the same life would be ever-so-dull! Those annoying family members are also the ones we adore and can’t wait to see…even if we won’t admit it.

So, come tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, look for the silly habits, idiosyncrasies and peculiarities of those that have gathered together.

Then, thank God for each and every one of them and what they bring to the table. You are blessed.

Wishing you a great day of travel, cooking, cleaning, or whatever is on your plate for the day before our Day of Thanks.

Sharing with A LIttle R& R, Wedded Wednesday

How do YOU Give Thanks?

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John F. Kennedy

This year it seems I am missing nostalgia. I long for the days when our country honored Jesus Christ, when we weren’t intimidated by others that want to squeeze God out of our lives and when everything that we do or say is not scrutinized by P.C. police. 

Even though those days may be behind us, there is NOTHING and NOBODY that can stop The Church of the Living God! They can pass laws, call it hate speech, put us in jail, persecute, prosecute and anything else they can come up with to shut us up but His Truth always, always marches on. 

The Church has seen persecution before and it will definitely see it again in these Last Days. But the Good News, the Gospel, has always prevailed and this hour will be no different.

The following is from Thanksgiving, 1963, from President John F. Kennedy. You can read the entire address here. I thought his words were fitting. We can still, as the Body of Christ, Give Thanks where it is due!

“Now, Therefore, I, John F. Kennedy, President of the United States of America, in consonance with the joint resolution of the Congress approved December 26, 1941, 55 Stat. 862 (5 U.S.C. 87b), designating the fourth Thursday of November in each year as Thanksgiving Day, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 28, 1963, as a day of national thanksgiving.

On that day let us gather in sanctuaries dedicated to worship and in homes blessed by family affection to express our gratitude for the glorious gifts of God; and let us earnestly and humbly pray that He will continue to guide and sustain us in the great unfinished tasks of achieving peace, justice, and understanding among all men and nations and of ending misery and suffering wherever they exist.”

how do you give thanks

How do YOU Give Thanks?

In 2013, I asked for readers to respond to a few questions I posed and thought I would do something similar today. Then on Thursday, and maybe Friday if there are many, I would share YOUR responses! Let’s give it a try.

  1. Thanksgiving is one of the most loved holidays we celebrate as a nation. How do YOU and your family give Thanks? (For instance, aside from saying a prayer, do you go around the room and tell what you are thankful for that year?) Be specific!
  2. Has God performed a miracle in your life or your family, a friend, coworker, something that would be encouraging to others?
  3. How could we show this THANKS all year long and not just on the fourth Thursday of November?
  4. What would you do differently in the coming New Year to share the Gospel with those you know and love?

I would be thrilled if you would take a minute and answer any or all four of these questions. It is so much more enjoyable and strengthening when others are involved at Hope in the Healing. If it’s just me all the time, trust me, you get bored real fast. But when there is interaction and sharing, it truly does bless the Body of Christ.

Wishing you a wonderful week with your family and friends. Be blessed!


Sharing with Testimony Tuesday, #RaRa Linkup, Tell me a story, Titus 2sday