Tag Archives: Five Minute Friday

The Same

It’s #FiveMinuteFriday and today’s word prompt to write on for five minutes, little editing, no fretting, just write for the love of writing…is SAME. Be blessed!

I have known a particular married couple for over 35 years. They seriously do not age, do not gain weight, do not look any different than they did when I first met them. Others who know them would agree. Okay, they might have a little gray hair sneaking in but to be in their early 60’s they look fantastic.

The amazing thing is that they haven’t changed on the inside either. They are always, ALWAYS, THE SAME. I couldn’t resist heading to the dictionary today because SAME is an unusual word when you begin to dissect it. I was pretty sure you could hardly ever use it alone, seemed to me it had to have THE in front of it. (I’ve since thought of a few ways to use it without but you get the idea.) But basically, it says SAME means unchanged in character or condition.

That describes my friends. They are truly unchanged in character or condition. They are not negative, condescending, gossips, woe-is-me-complainers, fault-finders or dividers. They continue to be who they are because of their relationship with ONE.

That description fits our Lord even better. Unchanged in character or condition. The Bible specifically says that, “Jesus Christ is THE SAME; yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. This is a promise; this is a hope for all who put their faith in Him! We don’t worry that we will wake up one morning and Jesus has decided to be mean that day. Never. We trust in His Word, put our faith in His promises and believe He will take care of us…just as He has always done.

The Same

You see, no matter what is going on around us, and there is plenty these days, we can depend on Jesus. It’s that simple. He isn’t bothered by events, catastrophes, news bulletins or terrorism.

We can depend on Him to be THE SAME each and every day. If your trust is in Jesus then you can look up and be encouraged that He has everything in control. Yes, there is darkness all around but He is the Light that will show us the way out of here and comfort and strengthen us until He returns.

For this SAME JESUS will come back for His people! “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11 NIV.

Be blessed and encouraged that you serve an unchanging and soon-returning God. If you do not know Him, and need to know more, feel free to email me ynannette@gmail.com.

(You can read another super short post titled Jesus is Never Moodyhere!)



Sharing with Grace & Truth, Fellowship Friday, Faith Filled Friday

Every New Season

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” ~George Eliot

Every New Season…

I am one of those strange people who loves the change of EVERY season. I look forward to something new with anticipation. I love spring when everything seems to be new, alive and freshly created by the Maker. I love summer (unless it is above 90!) with all of the sunshine, activity and opportunity to mow the lawn. Yes, I would give anything to get back on a John Deere and ride for hours. Winter brings excitement all its own with one of my favorite white things in the world: SNOW. I LOVE me some snow! Takes an awful mess of it for me to get weary with those beautiful, one of a kind flakes.

But Fall.


Fall would be my favorite, and many of you would agree I am sure. There is something about the cooling temperatures, the changing of the leaves (You should come to Brown County, Indiana; we have some of the best Fall colors anywhere!) and everything Pumpkin that goes along with this beautiful season. There are so many good things about Fall to enjoy!

  • Boots!
  • Sweaters and Scarves
  • Pumpkin Rolls, Pumpkin Latte’s, Pumpkin Pie and Carved Pumpkins!
  • The Leaves
  • No more 90+ 
  • Fall displays
  • Fall break!
  • Festivals!
  • Food at Festivals! 
  • Picking Apples
  • Hayrides
  • Bonfires
  • Corn mazes!
  • Mums

You get the idea.

He never leaves us comfortless or alone and brings with each new journey opportunities to grow and become what He has desired and designed us to to be.

Fall is a time to let go of what has weighed us down, let God prune back those weary branches, die out to things that have hindered us and let this new season be one of renewal. Samuel Butler said,

Perhaps God will prepare you in this new season for unprecedented growth in His Word, depth, maturity and a beautiful color that will not only change you but those around you.

“In the entire circle of the year there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the mild heavens, and the red leaves bestrew the road, and you can feel the breath of winter, morning and evening — no days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such a reverent meekness in the air.” ~ Alexander Smith

It’s harvest time. Let God bring about a beautiful harvest in you that is so overflowing you just have to share it, and Him, with others.

What is YOUR favorite thing about this beautiful season we call “Fall”? Please share it with us!


When Fear Doesn’t Belong…

It’s #FiveMinuteFriday! Write with little editing, and no fear! Ha, I inserted that one myself but I am joining up with others at LisaJoBaker’s #FMF to write for love of the written word. Today, Crystal Stine is hosting at her blog! Enjoy!

Has there been a time in your life that you have been simply TERRIFIED? Have you been gripped with the kind of fear that takes your breath away? How about knee-knocking, trembling, shaking fear?

I venture to say we can all answer, “Yes” to those questions.

We have all been afraid.

I lived most of my life with various fears. I am not proud of that. I would let fear envelop me, overtake me and even run my life. That is Fear’s specialty; taking over your life and keeping you from doing, and being, everything you desire.

God Almighty left us with so many booming “FEAR NOT’s” in the Bible we should never be afraid again! We just don’t seem to apply them. Maybe we think they are for someone else? Or we are saving them for a “really scary time” when we might need them more than we do right now.

I don’t think that is what God intended when He left us His Word. I think He meant for us to take it at face value, every day, in every situation.

Look at Isaiah 41:10. Many of us know it by heart, and rightly so, but what if we believed it?

“Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”


Look at all of the “Fear Not’s” in this scripture!

Fear not…God is with you.

Fear not…God is your God.

Fear not…God will strengthen you.

Fear not…God will help you.

Fear not…God will uphold you.

Those promises alone should be enough to carry us through any storm, doubt, or chaos in our lives. Does it mean that trials will not come? No! It explains that the God that created the universe promises to be with us no matter what we may face in this life.

Fear Doesn't Belong

We do not need to be afraid because He is with us! Not just when we call on His name, but He is literally WITH us! When Jesus ascended into heaven He promised He would send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. That came to pass in the Upper Room when the wind blew in and filled all 120 of those present with the Holy Ghost! Then 3,000 more were filled later that day when they saw what had happened to the followers of Jesus, and it was repeated over and over again throughout the book of Acts.

Yet it did not end with the 28th chapter. “For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” Acts 2:39.

We do not need to be afraid because Almighty, Jehovah, Yahweh, The Comforter, is with us!

Jehovah-Shammah, “The One who is with us everywhere for He is Omnipresent”!

The saying goes, “You have nothing to fear but fear itself.” According to Isaiah 41:10, you can lay that one down too.

Fear doesn’t belong!

Fear Itself is not hiding in the closet any longer. Bind that spirit of fear, loose the peace of God in its place. Speak the Word, claim it, believe it and live fearless!



Sharing with Fellowship Fridays, Everyday Jesus, Recommendation Saturday, Weekend Brew, Making your home sing, Living Proverbs 31, Modest Monday, Monday Praises, Winsome Wednesday, Essential Fridays