Tag Archives: #FMF

Fasting & Prayer: Whose time is it anyway?

Fasting & Prayer: Whose time is it anyway?

If you are fasting with us in January, you can catch up on all of our other Daniel Fast posts here!

Fasting:Whose time is it anyway?

Fasting and prayer are often linked together in the Bible. It seems to go without saying that if you are fasting but not praying, you are just on a glorified diet (Daniel Fast) or just simply going without food. A total waste of your time! (And God’s!)

Fasting isn’t all about the food, or the lack of it. It is about pulling yourself away from the things of the world and focusing on Almighty God. When you deny yourself certain things that you love then you have time to spend with the Creator, time to listen for His voice, His bidding, His calling.

When you are on a complete fast, it seems to be a no-brainer that at mealtime, instead of eating, you spend that time in prayer and the Word. But if you are on a limited fast, a juice fast, The Daniel Fast, etc., you are still consuming calories and possibly preparing a meal and that time with the Lord seems to take a back seat.

If you have chosen a different type of fast, not from food, maybe from social media or other things that you enjoy or spend too much time on, again, when do you carve out that time with the Lord to make your fast beneficial?

This is where we could miss out on so much! There is fellowship with Him just for the taking, there is communion with the Savior if we will just take the time.

Mark 1:35-36    And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.  And Simon and those who were with him searched for him.

Not everyone is an early riser, although I have found that to be MY best time to spend with the Lord. When He is first, when my focus for the day is on Jesus, everything seems to go so much smoother the rest of the day!

Prayer cleanses your heart and mind and prepares you for the rest of the day.

Romans 12:1   I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

But if you are not a morning person, if all you can do is get that coffee down at 5 a.m., then pick the time that is best for you. What time of the day is more beneficial, when you are uninterrupted and can focus on the Word and listen for His voice? That’s YOUR time with God!

Hebrews 13:15-16  Through him then let us continually offer up  a sacrifice of praise to God, that is,  the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.  Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Most importantly, we pray continually throughout our day. Yes, I know this is the most difficult thing to do! We are busy, we are laden down with burdens of the day, so much to do, so little time to do it. But if we let our minds think of the things of God all throughout our day, let the fruit of our lips acknowledge His name, if we think on these things, our time is well spent. Our focus is in the right place, our hearts are open before Him and we can hear His voice!

Fasting & Prayer: Whose time is it anyway?

It’s His time anyway, friends, it all belongs to Him. Everything is about Him, it’s not about us! We were put here to glorify God and when we point to Him, when we reflect His glory, others will see it and be drawn to the Savior. That is our entire purpose, seeing others come to know Him.

Be blessed as you fast and pray that you will know the mind of God, cleanse your heart and mind from things that weigh you down and focus on His perfect will for your life!

Fasting unto the Lord, Nannette

The Daniel Fast DevotionalDo you have your copy of The Daniel Fast Devotional? There are 21 days of devotions, three days of preparation and plenty of Daniel Fast recipes in this go-to book. Check it out on Kindle or paperback here on Amazon.



Today’s #FiveMinuteFriday could be my shortest post ever but it is packed with good stuff. Be blessed and check out some of the other takes on the word prompt Here.

Back in the day…the teacher took roll call.








Present. (You always had a wise guy in the class.)





Is Julie not here today?

“She’s sick!”

Julie was absent. She wasn’t where she was supposed to be.

Paul said when we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. (2 Corinthians 2:5, 6) Yet, we know that Christ dwells IN us, He is always present, He is always here with us. The Apostle Paul knew we had a work to complete, a job to do, a purpose in this life that had to be fulfilled before we could go on to our reward in the next life.

“But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake.…” Philippians 1:23, 24

We desire to be with Christ, He is the reason we were created! But to bring Him glory it is necessary, for the sake of others, that we remain here…for now.


We can’t afford to be absent in anything we do or say for the Kingdom. We must be on guard and sensitive in the Spirit to what is going on around us. The only way to do that is communication with the Savior!

He will call our name one day, we will stand before Him in judgment.

Nannette? Here, Lord! Here I am!

What a glorious day that will be! But until that day comes, we must go on about our Father’s business, declaring the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, His death, burial, resurrection, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the promise of His soon return. Our mission is to let others know that even in this life there is hope, joy and perfect peace in our circumstances.

We must be willing to say, “Here am I, Lord, send me, use me, work through me until you return for your Bride, the Church.” (Isaiah 6:8)

Be blessed today as you pray for doors to open to tell others about Jesus. He will use you…here!



DF cover side viewDo you have your copy of The Daniel Fast Devotional? You can get it here on Amazon in paperback or for your Kindle! Fasting is always a good idea and this book is great for ANY FAST. Don’t wait until your New Year’s Resolution to fast…



Sharing with Faith Filled Friday, Grace and Truth

Endurance inspired by Hope

This is a #FiveMinuteFriday post of a different nature. Coincidentally (are there coincidences with God?) this week’s word prompt is Hope. I trust you will be blessed by the life of my friend, Carl and his unwavering Hope.

“If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” 1 Corinthians 15:19 ESV.

Today we are traveling to sit with a family, who without a miracle will say their final “Goodbye’s” to their husband, dad, brother, son and friend. Diagnosed just a year ago with a brain tumor, Carl has fought hard and held on to his faith.

We first met this man over ten years ago when we assumed the pastorate of the church he attended. Carl was blessed with a most beautiful family. His wife Cinda, and four of the most adorable kids born to one family: Jessica, Ridge, Tyler and Spencer were some of the best behaved, polite and considerate kids I had ever encountered. Of course boys will be boys and if one of them didn’t give their parents fits every once in a while we would have thought something was wrong! They have all grown up to be most impressive teenagers and young adults.


Carl loved to talk and he was very educated. Cinda would pull his coattails and try to hurry him along but Carl would be stuck on a subject, an important subject to him, and he wasn’t ready to go until he had told you all he knew.

One thing I remember about Carl was his Hope. He had Hope that his kids would grow up to serve God, stay in the Church and be a vital part, not just sit on a pew. He had Hope that the local church would grow and he worked hard to see that it did, he drove the Sunday School bus, did odd jobs around the church when necessary, and served as sound technician regularly…we all know that is a thankless job.

But Carl could handle criticism, everyone else was wrong, he was right!

Carl was always coming up with a new and unique way for the church to raise money. From sending kids to camps and conventions or a project in the church building, he was on it. Carl made (and sold!) sno cones, bloomin’ onions, cotton candy, elephant ears, funnel cakes and much, much more. He would set up at a grocery store, festivals like the local Chautauqua, and even Wal-Mart. He could have been putting the money away for his kids’ college tuition or other personal uses but instead he was out there, with his kids, teaching them the importance of working for the Kingdom.

It wasn’t just about raising funds either. They were always looking for ways to impact the community: enter Angel Food Ministries. Carl and Cinda and all four of their children would come early in the morning, once a month, to box up grocery staples for others in town. They took care of everything, and because they we’re involved, their extended family would be there as well. They were influential without even realizing it.

Carl also had Hope that no matter how crazy the world became (I would love to have heard his take on the SCOTUS decision and countless other changes we are seeing) he knew this wasn’t our final destination. He lived for two things: to see Jesus face-to-face and make sure his entire family was standing around the throne with him.

For the last year Carl’s family has held on to Hope. He has been to Mexico for experimental treatment where he left quite an impression on the way there and back. I was reading his Facebook timeline, where so many are leaving their thoughts and prayers, and came across this testimony from the desk clerk of the hotel where Carl and Cinda stayed while on their way to Mexico. Jamie Manning Sheets sums up Carl best I think:

“This man is one of the strongest Christian warriors I’ve ever met. His love for the Lord never wavered; he was only concerned for his family. His effect on people was so powerful that I’ve had guests come back to the hotel & continue to ask for updates on this wonderful man. Carl, I pray for one of God’s many miracles, but I know that either way you will continue to walk with the Lord. Godspeed my friend…. I thank you for touching my life & so many others, & being such a powerful example of one of God’s finest.”

I echo that today for this giant of a man. I am praying for a miracle that I know he will receive one way or another. I know God is able to heal him completely but I also know the greater Hope isn’t here on this terra firma, he lived for an eternal Hope. He has been able to share this Hope with countless people through his illness this past year as is evident by the testimonies of others. I am sure Carl considers that a great honor and privilege.

“We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 1:3 NIV.

endurance inspired by hope

Work produced by faith
Labor prompted by love
Endurance inspired by Hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

This verse could have been Carl’s mantra. I pray it will become mine and yours today.





Sharing with Grace & Truth, Fellowship Friday, Looking Up, Faith filled Friday, Weekend Brew, Still Saturday, Faith and Fellowship, Dance with Jesus, Sunday StillnessMaking your home singInspire me MondayAmaze Me MondayGood morning Monday , Modest Monday, Tell me a true Story, Titus 2 Tuesday, Testimony Tuesday, #RaRa Linkup, Intentional Tuesday, Me, coffee and JesusA little r& r, Homemaking Linkup