Tag Archives: Malta

A God like You

“For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!” Isaiah 64:4 NLT.

So there I sat. 4:45 a.m. I was appropriately attired:
  • Pajamas, check.

  • Coat, check.

  • Flip Flops, check.

  • Cell phone, naturally.

  • Lawn chair, check.

  • Towel to put over extremely cold and damp lawn chair, check.

In the middle of our driveway, all by myself, in the darkness, complete darkness of the Indiana sky, I sat. The Sweetheart was oblivious and enjoying a few more hours of precious sleep. I was too anxious to sleep; I had heard there would be meteor showers all night long and I had been out at 11:30, 2:30 and now almost five in the morning to see one of God’s great marvels.
This meteor shower was a doozy. It was reported that there could be as many as 10-20 per hour! The Lyrid meteor shower gets its name because the meteors appear to come from a spot in the sky southwest of the star Vega in the constellation Lyra. (Who knew?!)  It is said that the Lyrids meteor showers show up every year at the same time and go back as far as 2,600 years, farther than any other documented meteor shower.
For this big event I watched and I waited, waited and watched but nothing. After several minutes, I pulled out my cellphone and googled the Lyrid meteor shower again to make sure I hadn’t misread anything. (Yes, it’s definitely possible.) But for once I was correct, it was the right time and I was facing NE (I had double-checked that with The Sweetheart earlier since direction is not one of my strong points.)
But there it was in black and white: “Give yourself about 20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark and then lay back, look up and wait.”

You can see a lot at 4:45 in the morning.

I heard or saw:
  • A strange animal rustling in the bushes

  • 14 airplanes fly over my head

  • 3 garage doors go up. And two go down.

  • A cat most definitely met one of his nine lives from the screeching I heard at 5:00 a.m.

But I waited. And I talked to the Creator of this vast universe, thanking Him for the beauty that surrounded me…and a few other things in my life that I needed to share. He was up anyway!
Then it happened. I was waiting, I was anticipating and that meteor went streaking across the sky at such a speed it is no wonder you could miss it if you were not watching and waiting for it. I was ecstatic! Thanking God for what I had just witnessed, and recovering from the awe of it all, then another one followed! Wow. I didn’t stay out another hour waiting to see 10-20 more. I was satisfied. I had seen it; I was a part of something glorious.

A god like You

We serve a God like that; a God that waits for us, which works for us, that has our best interest at heart. He is never too busy, never asleep, and never far away from us. Ever.
 “Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities.” Micah 7:18-19 NKJV.
See? In His Word He declares that even if we fall, even if we fail, He doesn’t stay angry with us, He DELIGHTS in showing us mercy, compassion and will take care of our sins!

King Solomon said it this way, “…LORD God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keeps covenant and mercy with your servants that walk before you with all their heart…” 1 Kings 8:23.

See that? There is NO GOD like Jehovah, our God! He sits on the throne, He controls the universe and everything that is in it. He speaks and it is done, He breathes and we are filled with His Spirit! He cares about the big and the little in YOUR life and He has left us each with a purpose to fulfill: to spread the Good News that this God, like no other god, is THE God and His name is Jesus.
“Who is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders? You stretched out Your right hand, The earth swallowed them.” Exodus 15:11, 12.
Our beginning verse says that He works for those that wait for Him. I prayed several prayers while I sat out under that night sky; one of them being for our trip to Malta this week. Friends, we fly out of Chicago on Thursday and return Memorial Day. We are excited to be sharing Revival By Design in this beautiful island country and to meet the great people there. I asked the Lord to give us direction and anointing for the trip; it isn’t a vacation, although I am sure we will see many amazing things. We want to impact the Kingdom. I asked this great God, while I waited for Him, to work for me and The Sweetheart. To keep us safe and to give us favor. There is so much unrest in the world today and cause for anxiety and the need is great. We must tell them, everyone in OUR world, whether our world impacts a few or many we must tell them: There is no God like our God.

“No one is like you, LORD; you are great, and your name is mighty in power.” Jeremiah 10:6.

Did He answer my prayer with another meteor shooting across the sky?
No, but He didn’t have to. His Word is enough. He has already promised and I am clinging to Him today.
  • Do you have something you need God to do for you?

  • Are you waiting in His presence and looking up with anticipation?

  • Are you hoping in His Word?

  • Are you standing on His promise?

There is no God like Jehovah! “Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high…” Psalm 113:5.
Trust in Him today, lean on Him and be assured that He is working all things for your good. That doesn’t mean all things will be good all the time, it means that everything that comes your way? He will turn even the bad into something for His glory if you trust in Him, believe in Him and live for Him with all of your heart.
We covet your prayers the next 30 days or so and please continue to follow the blog for updates on our Faith Journey. And  if  you ever need to be reminded of His majesty, His faithfulness and His all-around goodness…go sit in your driveway at 4:45 a.m. I promise you He will show up!

Be blessed as you take a few minutes to worship with our Marines who are singing and dancing to These are the Days of Elijah…when they get to “There’s no God like Jehovah” I dare you to sit still!!


Sharing with Making your home sing, Amaze me Monday, Sharing His Beauty, Mama Moments monday, Modest Mondays, Good morning MondaysTell me a true storyTitus 2 Tuesday, Titus 2sday, Testimony Tuesday, UNITE

Faith Journey goes to Malta!

Faith Journey 2015       We are going to Malta!

It is with great excitement that I share with you the announcement that our Faith Journey destination for 2015 is the nation of Malta! I will be boarding a plane with The Sweetheart in two short weeks! We are honored to be invited to this beautiful and historic island by Missionaries Kirby and Mary Parker. Tentatively, our plans are to minister and teach, as well as to provide leadership training. We will depart on Thursday, April 30 and return on Sunday, May 24. We look forward to sharing some great reports during our time in Malta.

About Malta…

As you can see from the photo above, Malta is an island, South of Sicily and Italy, and North of Africa. It’s relatively small size, (122 square miles) and population (approx. 450,000) make it one of the world’s most densely populated countries. Malta gained its independence in 1964 from Great Britain after a long history of being occupied by many different nations. In 1974 they became a republic.

faith journey goes to malta

Malta is known for a long Christian legacy which includes the Biblical historic site where the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked. Known at the time as Melita, this is where Paul was infamously bitten by the viper that struck out from the fire when Paul was throwing a bundle of sticks on it. History records that Paul spent three months on the island on his way to Rome. While there, he was known for curing the sick, including the father of Publius, the chief man of the island. It was Paul who was responsible for opening this country up to Christianity.

f18acff1-6652-49e8-a302-99b9c84d300dWe are privileged to be staying with Missionaries Kirby and Mary Parker, UPCI Global Missionaries. They were appointed to the island country in 2000 and arrived on the field with their daughter, Rebecca, in May, 2002. 

The Parkers have started one church in Malta where they also hold home fellowship groups in several key locations. They study the Maltese language and also make regular contacts on the neighboring island of Gozo.This part of the world brings opportunity to minister to many different nationalities including the Maltese, Chinese, Filipino, Bulgarian and even American nationals.

You Can Be A Part…

First of all, we want to say a heartfelt thank you to our monthly supporters. Without you, this trip and others like it would be impossible for us. You are making an impact around the globe through your sacrifice. We take that responsibility seriously. Travel such as this is very costly, as you can imagine. If you would like to partner with us, there is a convenient link to our PayPal account right below. We appreciate every sacrifice that makes this journey of faith possible!

Donate Now


By clicking the link above, you can make a fast, one time donation to help us make this next phase of Faith Journey a reality! Thank you for partnering with us for the cause of REVIVAL around the world!

Thank you again for your continued support through prayers and finances that will allow us to return to the Global Missions field as often as possible to assist in the work there.

Revival By Design

Revival By Design is making an incredible impact in many countries in the Europe and Middle East region of the world as well as many churches across North America. Please check out our website for more information about how this Biblical blueprint can transform your church!



Sharing with Family Fun FridayGrace and truthSaturday Soirée, Recommendation Saturday, SITS sharefest, Weekend BrewSunday Stillness, Good Morning Mondays, Making your home sing, Amaze Me Monday, Living Proverbs 31, Sharing His Beauty, Modest Monday

Oh, be still my hurried heart…


My life should be slower…calmer…definitely less stressful. My Three Sons are grown and gone. There are no school activities to rush to, no lunches to pack, clothes to pick out (or up) and backpacks to trip over. That part of my life is, sadly, finished.

But still I hurry.

My head spins with deadlines, commitments and obligations. I don’t seem to be able to organize or prioritize like I once did when I was younger.

But still I hurry.

I have tasks. I travel most weekends, Thursdays to Mondays usually, around the Midwest and even around the world sharing the ministry of Revival By Design and teaching and training leadership. (Check out our upcoming Faith Journey trip to the country of Malta!)

Jobs, duties, chores and responsibilities all keep me overwhelmed and yet my life is simple compared to many of yours. You may be experiencing an empty nest like me and have had your life roles and goals adjusted somewhat.

Yes, you still hurry…

You are busy wiping noses, cleaning up spills, chasing the dog, the cat, the rabbit, and the hamster around the house. You work full time (and then some), whether you are mom or dad, and you also have a house to clean, bills to pay, laundry to fold, meals to fix and endless questions to answer and decisions to make.

Jesus had a job too. (Grasp that! Jesus had a job!!) The Bible says Jesus was a carpenter by trade. “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon?” Mark 6:3.

The Greek word here is tektōn (τέκτων), which means builder. He could have been a carpenter, as we think of one today, but because of the region and resources around Him, most everything was built from stone. He very well could have been taught the trade of a stonemason. We just know He, like His father, was a builder, a craftsman.

He would have begun to learn His father’s trade by the age of 12, according to Jewish custom. The future Savior of the world knew what it meant to sweat, to labor, to work and most likely to get paid! He didn’t lay down His life until He was 33 years old and His earthly ministry was brief. It is reasonable to assume He had a job and earned a living, even if it was from His own father. Did you ever think that about Jesus having a job?

Even though His trade is mentioned in scripture, it is never mentioned by Jesus.

Of course we can assume He was entirely too busy healing the sick, raising the dead and revealing Himself as Messiah to stop and build someone a fireplace. The disciples had all walked away from their livelihood and so did the Savior.

Jesus was more concerned with people. He didn’t say that everyday living was not important; He just emphasized what was MOST important.

“One of the scribes came and heard them arguing, and recognizing that He had answered them well, asked Him, ‘What commandment is the foremost of all?’ Jesus answered, ‘The foremost is, ‘HEAR, O ISRAEL! THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD; AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH…’” Mark 12:28-29.

He is first. He is also the last. We know He is everything in between! His Word declares Him to be our all in all. Jesus said unto them, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.’” John 8:58.

“Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” Colossians 3:11 NIV.

What did He say was the second greatest commandment? “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31.

Love your neighbor (that doesn’t just mean those that live on your cul-de-sac) as you love yourself. There is no greater commandment!

“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another…” Romans 12:10

This is the only place this verb, preferring, appears and it means to go before as a guide. Honor is the honor due from each to all. “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3 NLT.

Jesus did that too. He took time for others, He preferred them, showed them the way and yet He didn’t belittle them and He didn’t ignore them. He didn’t go around doing good to elevate His ego; He valued others over the things He had to accomplish in His short time on earth…they WERE His agenda, His purpose, His reason for living!

Oh be still my hurried heart

  • Am I too busy for the one sitting next to me on the bus that is grieving a loss?
  • Am I too preoccupied with my household chores to stop and give a kind word to my neighbor who might be going through a divorce?

Will there ever be a day that we will no longer hear, “If there’s anything I can do, you just call me.”?

Can we reverse that tradition and just DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE?

I think I become most frustrated at myself and others when I hear those familiar phrases, or God forbid, it comes out of my mouth. (And yes, it has, I am guilty too!) But it is past time that we, as the Church, as the Body of Christ stopped waiting to be asked and just do what needs to be done.

  • Love our neighbor.
  • Heal the hurting with that love.
  • Fix a meal without waiting on the one that is in need to call us. (They won’t btw.)
  • Babysit for that exasperated single mother.
  • Sit with the elderly for an hour or two.
  • Send flowers.
  • Pick flowers!
  • Wash a busy dad’s car.
  • Walk a widow’s dog!
  • Send a card, a real card. (Nothing wrong with emails and cyber notes either but do you remember what it feels like to get snail mail?)
  • And finally, definitely my worst fault and trait which all of those that know me best can attest to…pick up the phone. Yes, even if it means hearing the same thing over and over again for an hour. It’s just an hour but it is the highlight of their day, week, month…

Where is your hurried heart? Can you slow down long enough to encourage, and in turn lift your own spirits by spreading the love of Christ? The mission of the Church is to share the Gospel and one of the best ways to do that is to show His love in our actions and words. He says when we have done it unto the least of those then we have also done it unto Him.

God help our hurried hearts to take time to love like Jesus.

What are some ways you feel we could make a difference in the lives of those we come in contact with every day?


DF cover side viewThe Daniel Fast is still going strong into March! You can get this great devotional, good for ANY FAST, a great companion when you are fasting. Devotions for 21 days and three extra preparation days! Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle.



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