Tag Archives: Mother’s Day

Mirror, mirror on the wall…I am my mother after all!

Update to this post! My mother just left visiting me yesterday after ten days. This is the second time she has been to my home in Tennessee from her home in Indiana to help care for me following my lumbar spinal fusion surgery. Thanks, Mom!! Who is going to do the dishes?

“When your mother asks, ‘Do you want a piece of advice?’ it’s a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.” ~ Erma Bombeck

Shut the door! Were you born in a barn?!
Your face is going to freeze like that.
Some day when you turn around, I’m not going to be here!
You’re going to poke your eye out with that!
Don’t make me come in there…
I brought you into this world and I can take you out.
You’re going to sit there and eat that until you like it!
When I was your age…
Make sure you haven on clean underwear in case you get in an accident!
If everybody jumped off a cliff would you follow them?!
I’ll turn this car around right now!
Because I said so!
If you fall and break your leg, don’t come running to me!
And my all-time favorite: This is going to hurt me more than it is you.

Yeah, right.

Mom-isms, as they are called. I used some of them, admittedly.

Erma Bombeck summed up these Mom-isms perfectly: “Everyone is guilty at one time or another of throwing out questions that beg to be ignored, but mothers seem to have a market on the supply. ‘Do you want a spanking or do you want to go to bed?’ ‘Don’t you want to save some of the pizza for your brother?’  ‘Wasn’t there any change?’” 

We’ve all had it said to us and if we are a mother, we’ve either said them or, trust me, you will.

Growing up we have it all figured out. “When I’m a parent…” We have good intentions anyway. We will NOT be like our mother!

And in no time, once you are a mother, you hear the exact same words coming out of your mouth and it will all come rushing back.

It is a different day though, and so many of them no longer apply! Some things we say today that our mothers could not possibly have said to us…

Cell phone? I’m not buying you a cell phone just because all of your friends have one.

iPad mini’s might be cheaper, let’s look at those.

What is your WIFI password?

No texting and driving!

What is it, as a child or teenager, that makes us think that our mother’s know absolutely nothing and we have the world by the tail? If I could take back all of the hateful things I said to my parents when I was a teenager? You bet I would! I always thought I knew better…until I became a mother myself.

It didn’t take long…as soon as My Three Sons were old enough to “correct”, I could hear my own mother’s voice in my head all of the time. I sounded like her, I acted like her…and now…I even look like her! Thus, the title of my post!

This is my mother’s favorite “throw-back” picture of the two of us. Mine too!

photo (16)

Thankfully, I was blessed with My Three Sons (and now two beautiful DIL’s, two adorable granddaughters and one on the way!) They will not have to worry about looking like their mother.


But trust me; I pray every day that once they are parents they will hear ME come out of their mouth.


 That would be a Happy Mother’s Day.
