Tag Archives: my three sons

The shop class tool box: Happy Father’s Day, Dad!

I’m sure you have all received them if you have been a parent for any length of time. When they are just old enough to go to Sunday School or even in daycare, one of the first things your little one makes for you is their hand print. Many of you have a picture of that in your head right now and could go to a box or a plastic storage tub and pull out Johnny or Susie’s classic piece of art.

They graduated over the years to nicer items such as clay ash trays, wooden tie and belt holders, maybe a pencil holder or a shelf. Homemade gifts from your children, it truly doesn’t get any better than that!

I remember, in particular, one of My Three Sons brought home his first attempt at wood crafts. (For this post, the crafter shall remain nameless. We will let them decide if they want to take ownership or not.) The fact that he was even taking a class of this sort must have been a requirement; he was not one to sit around thinking of things he could make with his hands.

Whether this was a Father’s Day gift or not I do not recall but I do remember him bringing it home and having that dejected look of “This is the best I can do”, when in reality it was sturdy, heavy and not too crooked at all! It had been stained super dark and he had made it with his own hands.

Now, to wrap it for Father’s Day.

The Sweetheart has received tons of gifts over the last 42 years of marriage and 40 of being a father. Some he still has, like the toolbox, others didn’t make it into a storage tub for one of our many moves. He learned from the time they were old enough to stand there with their arms outstretched, presenting their gift, that it was the biggest deal in the world to them and he had better act like it was to him, too.

And it was.

That toolbox was filled immediately and to this day it still has hammers, screwdrivers, nails and other important go-to’s for any household. It served a purpose then and even now, years later.

This Father’s Day, it is a sturdy and strong reminder of us bringing our gifts to our Good, Good Father, Jesus Christ.

Sometimes our gift giving, our prayer time, turns into our give me time. Did you know that the Hebrew word for prayer, tefillah, means to self-evaulate? To the Jewish people, prayer was not a time to just ask God for things, they truly examined themselves! This meant admitting their actions, behaviors and attitudes and comparing them with their holy God. Standing in His presence will cause you to look at your heart!

To us, as 21st century Christians, the word pray means to ask or maybe even plead. We lay out a list of things we need or want God to do and then start begging Him to reply. But what if we evaluated our hearts first? What if we checked our motives first? What if we prayed, “Not my will but thine be done” and just offered our toolbox, our lives, as a living sacrifice?

Do you bring Him praise, adoration, worship and glory with your prayers or are they all filled with “I need, I want and please hurry!” He hears you regardless of how you pray, or what you say, but He is most pleased when it is a sacrificial giving of the heart. When you understand that all things are in His control anyway and that surrender is the ultimate act of worship, you then acknowledge that He alone is able and He alone is worthy and your giving takes on an entirely different meaning…and approach.

Imagine yourself bringing your tool box to your heavenly Father. It’s a part of you, a difficult part, but you want to give it back to Him as a gift of surrender and humility. It’s sort of like this, “Lord, this is just for You, I’m giving you all of my difficult attitudes, all of my heartaches, confusion, misunderstandings. Could you help me with these things and fill up that toolbox with more of You so that I might take those tools and be a representative of You to a lost, dying and hurting world?”

He will do that. He will take the broken and make it whole, pliable and workable in the Kingdom. Giving gifts to your good, good Father, yielding in total surrender and then taking what He gives you as tools to help others…that completes that perfect circle. He’s good like that.

This Father’s Day, don’t forget to tell that influential man in your life what he means to you. Love on those that you value so much and don’t forget to reach out to others who might not hear the words, “I appreciate you.”

Happy Father’s Day to The Sweetheart, such a rock to me for over 40 years. I love you and thank you for being such a good, good father to My Three Sons, for loving our daughters-in-law and adoring our precious grandbabies and spoiling ME and providing for us all so well.

Happy Father’s Day!!

Barricades, blessings and benefits of The Missions Trip

Today is a traveling day! We are heading back to Riga, Latvia for 3 1/2 weeks of teaching, training and reconnecting. Please pray for us and the work there, we are excited to see all of the new faces and witness what God is doing in Eastern Europe! (We have two days in Dublin, Ireland on our way over…say what?! Pray for our safety in these uncertain times.)

My original title was, The Mission Trip: It’s not just about sightseeing…and I could have made friends and enemies with my title alone! Some could mistake it for “Shame on you! Didn’t you DO anything on your mission trip besides sightseeing?!” Then those that know me better will realize I am wanting to paint a bigger picture…a much bigger picture.

So, what do I mean? What is the purpose of a mission trip? 

The Sweetheart took his first missions trip overseas when he was 18. He traveled to South America where he visited Chile, Argentina and Brazil. He went with an independent pastor who took him to see things up close and personal that would forever change his life.

Witnessing things such as satanic worship in a cemetery…at night…and out of sight…he was introduced to another world, one that most of us only read about in National Geographic back in the 1970’s.

He visited church after church, meeting amazing people who love God and are doing their best to serve Him. Privileged to witness and invite others to come to know Jesus Christ, right on the street, and get a positive response, was overwhelming.

What else did he do?

He went sightseeing. Experiencing the wonder of Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil will forever be a highlight! He was privileged to bring back treasures such as a marble chess set from Chile and the ugliest sweater for me from Argentina that you have ever laid eyes on. I treasure it to this day! (I wish I had pictures to share but I am thousands of miles away from home and his “SLIDES”, yes, slides! For the younger generation, well, ask the older generation.)

Not to be outdone, when my oldest son, and his girlfriend-soon-to-be-fiancé-now-soon-to-be-wife-of-fifteen-years were both 18, they took a two week missions trip to Alaska. Alaska? Yes, Alaska. America needs Jesus!


Kyle and Rachel visited wonderful missionaries who travel distances we cannot fathom to minister to people, and met native Alaskans who are planting churches all over the 49th, and largest, state in our great union.

Their group worked, they shared testimonies, sang, preached, whatever was asked or needed in those fourteen days, they were eager to serve.

Did I mention the sightseeing? Oh, my!


Not to be outdone, when our middle son, Kristopher was 17, he and his friend Christopher, (yes, two of them!) joined a group traveling to Bolivia. Again, they were able to meet people and see things that forever changed them. They worked, hard! They preached, sang, shared on the streets and they LOVED…hard.

They also came back with the most hideous, handmade, woven pants you can never UN-see. I bet he had half a dozen pair in different colors and patterns! (Just being goofy here, thankfully they didn’t go witnessing dressed like that!)


Obviously a mission trip brings out the worst in taste.  Unfortunately, I cannot recall a decent treasure that was brought back from this trip but the Sweetheart remembers well a beautiful leather briefcase that Kristopher had bought for him. He carried it for many years.

And…they went sightseeing…

Dangerous sights…

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Amazing sights…


If you follow my blog, you are aware that I call my boys My Three Sons, so you are expecting me to share The Baby’s mission trip. I will not disappoint you! Korey and Kristopher journeyed to Scotland and Ireland for six long weeks of a personal mission trip…funded by Korey and Kristopher. They spent their own money but were blessed to stay in accommodations with the missionaries there in exchange for hard labor (smile).




They loved every minute of it.


(Okay, almost every minute. Korey is a little dramatic after helping to update the landscaping at the Bible School here. He is a musician, after all, not a gardener!)


And when in Rome…or in Glascow…well, doesn’t everyone try on a kilt? Kristopher does.


They also were at St. Andrews before and during the British Open!


(Korey slept during the tournament. Seriously. He did.)


They took pictures, and liberties, that would probably have gotten them in trouble had anyone been watching.


It was an amazing trip.


Korey then joined us in Riga, Latvia for six full months of ministry. He brought his guitar and sang his heart out, along with several other wonderful young people, helping to start churches in a very difficult region of the world.  He met people he would never have gotten a chance to become acquainted with otherwise, people that have impacted his life.



Did Korey get to sight-see? Yes and no. His six months were more work than play. He did see most of Riga, Latvia, the capital of the Baltics. We took him to Tallinn, Estonia to see one of the most beautiful Old Town’s still in existence.

What was his most exciting sightseeing adventure? He was asked to conduct a music seminar in St. Petersburg, Russia for about five days, accommodations in the church with our beloved Missionary, Reverend William Turner. What a privilege! Yes, he was blessed to see a part of the world most will never see and make friendships with beautiful people.

These are examples. Examples I used because I know their stories, I can talk about them, share them freely.

But, what about the career missionaries? They are overseas for long, long periods of time, there cannot be that much to do, right? Isn’t it just one big, long vacation?

First of all, do not misunderstand and think I am touting the adventures of my family. We were not career missionaries. We were Associates in Missions, or what our organization calls AIM workers. Sort of part-time missionaries in some cases, and in others, self-sponsored, or church sponsored, missionaries who are going to fill a need. They may not have felt a calling, per se, to a certain country, but they want to do something. They see that people are needed, and they are available, willing and ready to go. Sometimes that is a precursor to a career missionary. You have to start somewhere and put your time in before you are promoted to a long term overseas assignment.

Yet, many AIM workers and associate missionaries sell everything they have too! Some, like us, could not have raised the money necessary to spend more than a year in Europe without selling our home, and most of our possessions. We do not regret it, even though we are not overseas full time. Many associate missionaries REMAIN under that status for different reasons. In many ways it is more difficult for them to raise funds and to stay funded. My hat is off in humble admiration to these sacrificial workers in the Kingdom.

Now, we personally go when we see a need, when we can raise the money to do so, and the rest of our time is spent traveling for Revival By Design. (Thank you to all who give so we can go!)

Career missionaries have much more red tape to cut through before they are on location. It can take many months, or even years, to raise the support needed to stay on location.

Naturally, it is different in every organization.

I have read many books down through the years of missionaries blazing the trail. Of those working in the jungles of Africa, walking mile after mile, facing danger, literally, around every corner. I remember stories of other Godly souls who were able to be a part of seeing thousands saved in one tent crusade! They didn’t have email, cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Viber, Face Time, or Skype. They had snail mail and some were fortunate to have telephone communication…for about three minutes due to the expense…or the connection!

They definitely had things more difficult in many natural ways than missionaries do today, but they share many similarities that have NOT changed over the years.

  • Selling out.
  • Saying, “Goodbye’s” to loved ones…again and again.
  • Being homesick for their families.
  • Severe financial hardship. (Just because you are doing it for Jesus doesn’t mean you will be wealthy!)
  • And the most difficult of all…attacks from the enemy.

But I hear no complaints. I am sure there are some, even missionaries are human, but it is temporary. It may come from frustration, broken promises, and exhaustion.

What they DO experience, and I am sure 95% of them will agree, outweighs the struggle that accompanies the life of a missionary.

They witness lives changed, hearts broken and mended again, miracles, healings, signs and wonders!
They build churches in cities and countries where there has never been a church that taught Truth.
They light the way and bring the Gospel to the four corners of the world attempting to fulfill the scripture, “Go ye, into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15.
And this one, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14.

And some never truly witness the fruit of their labor but maybe one that comes behind them does. Some sow, some water, others reap. All according to God’s perfect timing.

The short-term mission trip whets the appetite of the young and the old. Some will go back, they will commit and “Go ye…” Others that have been privileged to go for a short time will not go back on a permanent basis but the experience will live on in their hearts and they, in turn, give in another way…they financially support those that literally go! It’s in their heart; they’ve been there, witnessed things that impacted them, now they want to help.

They never forget.

So, do missionaries sight-see? Yes, they do, they should! Of course it isn’t JUST about the things they see and the places they get to go…if they are going for that benefit only, they won’t last. God will not bless it. But missionaries that sacrifice for the call…they enjoy the countries God has sent them to love and labor in. Another long-time missionary mentioned that it is often even a spiritual experience as they learn more about their country, the history, the people that call it home…it helps them so much to connect!

They take pictures and post them on social media so YOU can be blessed to see places that your feet may never wander through. You have helped them get there; they want to share it with you! (There are times and situations where missionaries MAY NOT post very many pictures, if any, of their congregation, house church, or people they are working with for privacy reasons.)

The associate missionary, no matter how long they are on location, are a blessing to the missionary that lives in the country all of the time. They bring refreshing, strength, fellowship and maybe even Oreo’s and Ziploc bags from the States!

Missionaries go to places we can only dream about, but they give way more than we will ever realize and sacrifice more than some of us would be willing to.

Be blessed to see pictures of them feeding children in Africa, putting shoes on kids in Haiti, singing on the streets in Europe and preaching to thousands in South America!

Then pray.

Pray for those that have, and will, answer the call to GO. Pray that they will be able to raise the funds necessary, that it will not be a financial burden on them for years to come, and that their hearts will not become weary with THE WAIT.

For those already on the field? They need your prayers even more!

Pray for those that have gone; that God would have His way in their lives. That they would hear HIS voice and know the direction He would have them to take.

Pray for strength for each new day, peace in every situation and for favor with their city, village or country.

Pray that the emptiness in their heart would be replaced by the love of God and a love for the people in their new homeland.

Don’t begrudge them a little enjoyment in the country within which they labor. Love them, support them with your prayers and bless them financially when you can.


We would appreciate your prayers today for my health as well. I am not one to post on social media all of my ills but I have a severe case of bronchitis, so much so that my doctor didn’t want me to leave today. Please pray for healing and strength, if you have had bronchitis you know the I’ve-been-hit-by-a-truck fatigue and the incessant coughing. Pray my cough doesn’t get me kicked off the plane, yikes! Bind together with me in prayer and let us see what God will do!




Jesus is a Waymaker

Jesus is a Waymaker.

The night I brought my first newborn home from the hospital I rocked him to sleep. And I sang. Rocking away in that uncomfortable chair, not a care in the world (as long as he wasn’t screaming) and singing Jesus Loves Me or the morbid lullaby, Rockabye Baby in the Treetop. As time went on, I began to widen my repertoire and sang songs that I created impromptu. Somehow, silly as they were, I could make them rhyme and even though they were not going to make it into a Dr. Seuss book OR a Dr. Spock instruction manual, My Three Sons loved them.

Fast forward 35 years and enter Norah Jayne. The very first time I was able to rock her to sleep? I sang. What came out were old choruses from church services gone by. I am a huge fan of the “new” worship songs, can sing along with KLove like nobody’s business but when I sit in that rocking chair, Jesus is a Waymaker.

If you have never heard it, the lyrics are:

Jesus, He is a Waymaker
Jesus, He is a Waymaker
Jesus, He is a Waymaker
One day, He made a way for me
One day, when I was lost in sin
One day, Jesus took me in
One day, He made a way for me

The tune is upbeat and catchy and it has become Norah’s favorite. I used to go into an entire medley of old choruses, from Isn’t He Wonderful, I Call Him Jesus, My Rock, When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all He has done for me….you get the idea. But as Norah grew from a few weeks old to a couple of months, she became particular. She wanted one song and one song only and that was Jesus is a Waymaker. It has become such a part of the two of us that, if she is fussing, I can start singing that song and she will immediately calm down and go to sleep.

(Btw, I can sing this song even in the middle of the Dixie Stampede pre-show and Norah will go to sleep!)

It is true that Norah doesn’t know much about Jesus making a way for me, you or anyone else. She doesn’t realize that she is a miracle sent from Heaven and only Jesus could have made a way. This sweet baby isn’t aware of the many times God has answered other prayers right on time. Norah has never read the Word, hasn’t prayed a prayer and doesn’t understand the word, Hallelujah. Until she is old enough to comprehend, she just takes comfort in the Name that her mommy, daddy and grandmothers sing about and the peace and serenity it brings to her every single time.

Jesus is a Waymaker

You see, Jesus IS a Waymaker whether we can see it or not, whether we feel it or not. Even when we don’t understand the reason a family member is suffering, our prayers don’t seem to be answered, the bills have all come due at once, the kids are sick, the tensions are high even in a home where God is first…He is still a Waymaker.

When we find ourselves in those difficult seasons, we need to follow the pattern that this old song has set. First, it DECLARES that Jesus is our deliverer, the way-out-of-the-way, the One who can make clear the path for us. Then, like most great songs, it REPEATS the declaration, not once but two more times! We must remind ourselves WHO it is that CAN make things better, that can deliver us and we must declare it. Once we have done that, we then begin to REPEAT it and remind ourselves of that Truth!

Then the chorus tells WHY we know He is a Waymaker…because one day He made a way for ME. Begin to LIST the times that He has showed up with an answer. DEFINE it! Remember the other prayers He has answered and how it was done.  Play it over in your mind and give God praise for it. The chorus ends with the same declaration, that it was for ME, so DECLARE it again.

Declare it.

Repeat it.

Define it.

Declare it again.

If you have something in your life today that is impossible for man, take it to The Waymaker. Sing this old song if you know the tune, or make up your own, and begin to declare the promises of God while remembering what He has already done for you!

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.” Jude 1:20,21

It is not only our job to teach our little ones that Jesus will be their Deliverer, Savior, Friend, and Ever-Present-Help-in-Trouble, but we must remind OURSELVES and EACH OTHER that He is STILL a Waymaker, making a way for all of us. So, tomorrow, when something impossible comes against you…

Declare it. Let your spirit know that Jesus is God!

Repeat it. Say it a couple more times and with authority.

Define it. List the things He has done for you or others in the past, building up your faith.

Declare it again! The more we say it, the more we believe it and nothing shall be impossible, according to His will and in His perfect timing.

Do you have a favorite lullaby or song that you sang to your children or to your grandchildren? How are you influencing them for the Kingdom? Share with our community of friends! I found a Gaither version of the song that is very similar to the one I sing to Norah. I didn’t know it had verses and the middle is a little different but the tune is the same. Enjoy! 

For the Kingdom


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