Tag Archives: Revival By Design

A God like You

“For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!” Isaiah 64:4 NLT.

So there I sat. 4:45 a.m. I was appropriately attired:
  • Pajamas, check.

  • Coat, check.

  • Flip Flops, check.

  • Cell phone, naturally.

  • Lawn chair, check.

  • Towel to put over extremely cold and damp lawn chair, check.

In the middle of our driveway, all by myself, in the darkness, complete darkness of the Indiana sky, I sat. The Sweetheart was oblivious and enjoying a few more hours of precious sleep. I was too anxious to sleep; I had heard there would be meteor showers all night long and I had been out at 11:30, 2:30 and now almost five in the morning to see one of God’s great marvels.
This meteor shower was a doozy. It was reported that there could be as many as 10-20 per hour! The Lyrid meteor shower gets its name because the meteors appear to come from a spot in the sky southwest of the star Vega in the constellation Lyra. (Who knew?!)  It is said that the Lyrids meteor showers show up every year at the same time and go back as far as 2,600 years, farther than any other documented meteor shower.
For this big event I watched and I waited, waited and watched but nothing. After several minutes, I pulled out my cellphone and googled the Lyrid meteor shower again to make sure I hadn’t misread anything. (Yes, it’s definitely possible.) But for once I was correct, it was the right time and I was facing NE (I had double-checked that with The Sweetheart earlier since direction is not one of my strong points.)
But there it was in black and white: “Give yourself about 20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark and then lay back, look up and wait.”

You can see a lot at 4:45 in the morning.

I heard or saw:
  • A strange animal rustling in the bushes

  • 14 airplanes fly over my head

  • 3 garage doors go up. And two go down.

  • A cat most definitely met one of his nine lives from the screeching I heard at 5:00 a.m.

But I waited. And I talked to the Creator of this vast universe, thanking Him for the beauty that surrounded me…and a few other things in my life that I needed to share. He was up anyway!
Then it happened. I was waiting, I was anticipating and that meteor went streaking across the sky at such a speed it is no wonder you could miss it if you were not watching and waiting for it. I was ecstatic! Thanking God for what I had just witnessed, and recovering from the awe of it all, then another one followed! Wow. I didn’t stay out another hour waiting to see 10-20 more. I was satisfied. I had seen it; I was a part of something glorious.

A god like You

We serve a God like that; a God that waits for us, which works for us, that has our best interest at heart. He is never too busy, never asleep, and never far away from us. Ever.
 “Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities.” Micah 7:18-19 NKJV.
See? In His Word He declares that even if we fall, even if we fail, He doesn’t stay angry with us, He DELIGHTS in showing us mercy, compassion and will take care of our sins!

King Solomon said it this way, “…LORD God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keeps covenant and mercy with your servants that walk before you with all their heart…” 1 Kings 8:23.

See that? There is NO GOD like Jehovah, our God! He sits on the throne, He controls the universe and everything that is in it. He speaks and it is done, He breathes and we are filled with His Spirit! He cares about the big and the little in YOUR life and He has left us each with a purpose to fulfill: to spread the Good News that this God, like no other god, is THE God and His name is Jesus.
“Who is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders? You stretched out Your right hand, The earth swallowed them.” Exodus 15:11, 12.
Our beginning verse says that He works for those that wait for Him. I prayed several prayers while I sat out under that night sky; one of them being for our trip to Malta this week. Friends, we fly out of Chicago on Thursday and return Memorial Day. We are excited to be sharing Revival By Design in this beautiful island country and to meet the great people there. I asked the Lord to give us direction and anointing for the trip; it isn’t a vacation, although I am sure we will see many amazing things. We want to impact the Kingdom. I asked this great God, while I waited for Him, to work for me and The Sweetheart. To keep us safe and to give us favor. There is so much unrest in the world today and cause for anxiety and the need is great. We must tell them, everyone in OUR world, whether our world impacts a few or many we must tell them: There is no God like our God.

“No one is like you, LORD; you are great, and your name is mighty in power.” Jeremiah 10:6.

Did He answer my prayer with another meteor shooting across the sky?
No, but He didn’t have to. His Word is enough. He has already promised and I am clinging to Him today.
  • Do you have something you need God to do for you?

  • Are you waiting in His presence and looking up with anticipation?

  • Are you hoping in His Word?

  • Are you standing on His promise?

There is no God like Jehovah! “Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high…” Psalm 113:5.
Trust in Him today, lean on Him and be assured that He is working all things for your good. That doesn’t mean all things will be good all the time, it means that everything that comes your way? He will turn even the bad into something for His glory if you trust in Him, believe in Him and live for Him with all of your heart.
We covet your prayers the next 30 days or so and please continue to follow the blog for updates on our Faith Journey. And  if  you ever need to be reminded of His majesty, His faithfulness and His all-around goodness…go sit in your driveway at 4:45 a.m. I promise you He will show up!

Be blessed as you take a few minutes to worship with our Marines who are singing and dancing to These are the Days of Elijah…when they get to “There’s no God like Jehovah” I dare you to sit still!!


Sharing with Making your home sing, Amaze me Monday, Sharing His Beauty, Mama Moments monday, Modest Mondays, Good morning MondaysTell me a true storyTitus 2 Tuesday, Titus 2sday, Testimony Tuesday, UNITE

Hi. My name is Door. Door Keeper. Part 2

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Continuing with Part Two of our Mini-Series on The Doorkeeper. I hope you are blessed by Jacob’s story! You can read Part One here and Part Three here!

I met a Door Keeper recently who reminded me what service, humility, honor and love are all about. We were teaching a Revival By Design seminar at a great church in Wenatchee, Washington, a couple of hours from Seattle. (Btw, if you EVER have opportunity to visit this part of the country, just look at the view!)

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I digress. The Sweetheart referred to our Doorkeeper as “Door” because of his name-tag.  He called him that as if it was his first name and I was afraid he would be offended.


You cannot offend a true Door Keeper.

He was honored.
The Sweetheart called him up front during his Sunday sermon to congratulate him on his enthusiasm and attention to detail. He beamed as any 11 year old would. But it wasn’t a haughty pride. He loves what he does!
He takes his job seriously, very seriously. So much so that when I wanted to take his picture before I left and said, “Let’s get a couple outside…” he buzzed past me so fast to get to the door before I did just so he could open it for me. He wasn’t on the clock but that’s what is so unique about a true Door Keeper. Here he is with my beloved.


He was there to serve.

Door, or Jacob, as his parents and family refer to him, loves people. He lives to serve, to make others happy and to give of himself. He wears his nametag proudly but not with nose-in-the-air pride. He has been given a job in the house of God and he does it with every ounce of his being.
“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.” Colossians 3:17.

He represents Christ.

In everything, he reflects the glory of God. He is the first person visitors see when they come to church. His “Welcome, we are so glad you are here” will set the tone for their entire experience. His smile must be infectious but not cheesy; his love for God, genuine. He must express that even HE is happy to be there and honored to serve everyone.
You see, Jacob, our resident Door Keeper, is an overcomer. He has much to be thankful for. Let me share his story…
Jacob was born at 28 weeks gestation but was the size of a 25 week gestation baby on January 25, 2004.
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He weighed a whopping 1 lb, 12 oz. That is not a typo, ONE POUND, TWELVE OUNCES!
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He was only 14 inches long.

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When he was first born, his parents were told not to expect him to come home until his original due date or after, another three months! He left the hospital on the morning of March 30th sporting a heart monitor for the first two weeks.

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His family says he has been a fighter ever since.

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I know it would sound corny to say that Jacob knew he had a purpose lying there in that hospital. Jacob didn’t know much of anything if we are honest about it. But Jacob’s GOD KNEW and Jacob’s GOD DID have a purpose for this tiny life.
Those with much to be thankful for tend to live out life to the fullest. They share, they give, and they inspire, encourage and motivate others to realize that THEY TOO have much to live for and should give back as much as possible.
Jacob doesn’t intend to waste his life dwelling on the past but revels in the fact that God reached down to a tiny little baby that fit in the palm of his mother’s and father’s hand and breathed life into him for a purpose.

Door Keepers DO have a purpose!

“It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake.” Mark 13:34 ESV.

He guards The Church.

This 11 year old boy guards The Church? Now we will get personal. Was Jesus sharing this particular parable about a man who leaves the care of his home to servants, each one with a specific job to do to remind US, to guard The Body of Christ? To protect it at all cost? To shield it from danger, peril and to defend everything it stands for no matter what the cost?
Yes. But even more than that.
“…and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake.” He doesn’t know when his master will return. He cannot afford to let one thing slip; nothing must be out of place, careful consideration has been made for each important duty.
Every. Single. Day.
We were given a charge, just like the servants in this parable, each with his work. We might be:

Door Keepers

Toilet Swabbers (oh, so very important!)

Vacuum Professionals

Window Washers Extraordinaire

Parking Lot Attendants



Worship Leaders


Sunday School Teachers

Youth Pastors


Assistant Pastors, Assistants TO the Pastor, etc., etc.

Pastor’s Wives

Sound Technicians

Event Planners




Deaf Interpreters





And as we said in our first post, we do not limit these acts of service to the Church building…the Church is a BODY that just happens to meet in a building!
What is it that we DON’T need in the Church?














Professional Protesters



Holier-than-thou “Christians”

Judges or Juries!

We need to show the Love of God everywhere we are, but, in The Church, we can’t afford to let our sinful attitudes prevail. Christ died for those attitudes, for our sins, our mistakes, our past failures so that we could rise above our sinful nature and point others to Him. It is our sole purpose in living! To worship our Creator and to spread the Gospel message that Jesus is alive and invites them IN. Never to be the same!

So here we stand at the Door with Jacob.

We invite them in, literally, figuratively, with our words, with our actions, with the love of God shining through us.
Jacob wasn’t busy running around trying to do jobs that belonged to others, unless they needed his help. He would not have forsaken his post to try to be seen with the praise singers practicing before church. Nor would he have stood outside the pastor’s door listening for “talk”. He would not have been cutting up with the other young people around the water fountain before church. Why? Because he had HIS OWN WORK in the Body. And he was busy doing it with all his might.
Each one of us with his OWN work.
Tomorrow? I want you to meet another Doorkeeper. This one is unique and not normally given the title. Join me, won’t you?
Do you have a Doorkeeper in your life? I would love to hear about them!



Sharing with Memories by the Mile, Tell me a True STory, Titus 2 Tuesday, Testimony Tuesday, UNITE, Titus 2sday, RA-RA Linkup, life-giving linkup, Homemaking party, Wedded Wednesday, Wholehearted Wednesday, A little R & R, Women with Intention Wednesdays


Every New Season

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” ~George Eliot

Every New Season…

I am one of those strange people who loves the change of EVERY season. I look forward to something new with anticipation. I love spring when everything seems to be new, alive and freshly created by the Maker. I love summer (unless it is above 90!) with all of the sunshine, activity and opportunity to mow the lawn. Yes, I would give anything to get back on a John Deere and ride for hours. Winter brings excitement all its own with one of my favorite white things in the world: SNOW. I LOVE me some snow! Takes an awful mess of it for me to get weary with those beautiful, one of a kind flakes.

But Fall.


Fall would be my favorite, and many of you would agree I am sure. There is something about the cooling temperatures, the changing of the leaves (You should come to Brown County, Indiana; we have some of the best Fall colors anywhere!) and everything Pumpkin that goes along with this beautiful season. There are so many good things about Fall to enjoy!

  • Boots!
  • Sweaters and Scarves
  • Pumpkin Rolls, Pumpkin Latte’s, Pumpkin Pie and Carved Pumpkins!
  • The Leaves
  • No more 90+ 
  • Fall displays
  • Fall break!
  • Festivals!
  • Food at Festivals! 
  • Picking Apples
  • Hayrides
  • Bonfires
  • Corn mazes!
  • Mums

You get the idea.

He never leaves us comfortless or alone and brings with each new journey opportunities to grow and become what He has desired and designed us to to be.

Fall is a time to let go of what has weighed us down, let God prune back those weary branches, die out to things that have hindered us and let this new season be one of renewal. Samuel Butler said,

Perhaps God will prepare you in this new season for unprecedented growth in His Word, depth, maturity and a beautiful color that will not only change you but those around you.

“In the entire circle of the year there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the mild heavens, and the red leaves bestrew the road, and you can feel the breath of winter, morning and evening — no days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such a reverent meekness in the air.” ~ Alexander Smith

It’s harvest time. Let God bring about a beautiful harvest in you that is so overflowing you just have to share it, and Him, with others.

What is YOUR favorite thing about this beautiful season we call “Fall”? Please share it with us!
