Tag Archives: Superman

Super Breath

supermanSuperman. Quite the dude. He was loaded with Super-human abilities. Did you know:
He has Superhuman Strength, far above any other “human”, making him more powerful than a locomotive!
His body is a living “solar battery” that absorbs solar energies and converts them to fuel for his powers.
He is the strongest being in the DC Universe.
He is virtually invulnerable.
He has healing powers and is immune to all human ailments and weaknesses. His body heals the fastest when it is closest to the sun.
He can fly!
He is faster than a speeding bullet. Even though he started out in the 1930’s as reaching 100 miles per hour, he eventually could surpass the speed of light. That’s pretty fast. Pret-ty fast.
He has X-ray vision.
He possesses super human intelligence.
He has a flawless memory.
He has heat vision; he can emit solar energy from his eyes.
He has super hearing, super vision and a super sense of smell.
And, by George (Reeves), he is multi-lingual! (My lame attempt at Superman humor…)
But my favorite Superman strength is his Super Breath.


 Warner Pacific Personal Pages

He has the ability to inhale, and exhale, extreme amounts of air with such great force that he can move cars, buildings or put out a forest fire! He can also hold his breath for a ridiculous period of time. What little kid wouldn’t love to have that ability?! In one DC Comic, he saved an entire town from a tornado by inhaling the twister into his lungs. Then he hurled himself into space and….exhaled. I do not possess Superman’s capabilities. I wasn’t born on the planet, Krypton. Nothing I can say or do would make me like Superman.

In fact, I am quite the opposite when it comes to his strengths.
  • I’m losing my memory faster than I would care to admit.
  • I need glasses.
  • I cannot fly.
  • I am slower by the day.
  • My I.Q. would impress very few.
  • My immunity is seriously deteriorating.
  • Thank God I do not have X-ray vision.

(Hey, I do have a super sense of smell! Sometimes it is a blessing; mostly a curse.) But my greatest weakness is holding my breath. Yes, it is a weakness, not a strength.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest time holding the breath underwater was 22 min 00 sec by Stig Severinsen (Denmark) at the London School of Diving in London, UK, on 3 May 2012.

I can do it forever. When things don’t go my way I hold it in. I mean, I really HOLD ON TO IT. I will not let go. Holding your breath for long periods of time can have damaging, if not fatal, consequences.  “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7.

I am not allowing HIM to work through me, in me and FOR me.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:1,2 NKJV. According to the Spirit. If we have the Spirit of God breathing IN US, there is no need to hold on to anything!

I make the choice, every single day, whether to breathe in that power of God, the life-giving breath of the Holy Ghost, or to hold my breath and choke on the things in this life that hinder and literally imprison us.




Sharing with Amaze Me Mondays, Inspire Me Monday, Motivation Monday, Living Proverbs 31, Modest Monday, Titus 2sdays, Testimony Tuesday, Titus Tuesdays, WAlking Redeemed Homemaking Party, Wake Up Wednesday, Homemaking Party

Take Off The Cape!

superman The reason some of us strive to be superhuman is that we are forever trying to live up to the expectations of certain “key people” in our life. We can’t say “NO”! Is it hard for you? Come on, try it! Say it with me, “Nooooooo!” Now that wasn’t so bad for the first time was it? Maybe you will learn that it is okay to actually not have to be Superwoman or Superman all the time.

Give yourself a break for crying out loud! There was only One person who saved the world and you’re not it.  A good friend recently told me I needed to do this myself…..Take off the cape!

It began with our parents; we wanted to please them at a very young age. We came home with our report cards, always seeking the perfect A. All A’s was the ultimate goal. Even though our parents said they wanted us to be happy and to “just do your best”, we still felt that drive to over-achieve. It was in our nature. Whatever we did we felt like maybe it wasn’t good enough.

Then it was other teachers, peer groups, supervisors, professors, husbands, wives, co-workers, and on and on it went. The pressure was always building to be perfect and take on more and more. There is still a drive to become superhuman, to be all things to all people. It can be overwhelming!

Maybe you are able to leap tall buildings and you are faster than a speeding bullet, but if you are not taking care of yourself you are no good to anyone.

Women are especially bad about this because it is in our nature to take care of everyone else first. That is a good attribute to have but if you don’t love yourself first, and take care of YOU, then you cannot possibly take care of anyone else. You can’t give what you don’t have!

Of course first and foremost, in taking care of YOU, that quality time with God goes a long, long way in giving you peace of mind, self-control, security and happiness! Then you have got to make some time for yourself, even if you have to schedule it in!

You may first just try tucking the cape inside your shirt. Train yourself to say, “NO!” Sometimes you just have to set limits. You cannot be all things to all people all of the time! There is a reason why on an airplane they tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself FIRST, and not on your child! If the plane was going down and you put the mask on the child first, you might not have time to put it on yourself and the child would be left without anyone to take care of them. But if you put it on yourself first, you would then be able to put the mask on the child as well!

Sometimes we need to take a look around us and regroup. It is good to be taken care of by others who care about us. We need to learn to receive because we are letting the one who is helping us know that their love is worth something. It doesn’t mean we are weak and frail at all! We have been the giver, now let someone else bless us in return. Take off the cape!

You are doing your best to pray for your family, your children, your friends and co-workers. You are concerned about others around you, their health and finances, and you pray for their children who are away from God and struggling to make it on their own. The Bible even tells us to: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2.

But there is a limit to how much you can take on! You cannot fix everyone’s problems. Don’t try to be Superman or Superwoman! God doesn’t expect you to save the world! Let Him take care of that. I have a secret for you:  He is much better at it anyway. He has it all in control and you know what? He can do it without you! Did you know you can actually lay your head on your pillow at night, give your burdens to Him and not have to WORRY?Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you!” 1 Peter 5:7.

If you are taking on too much and feeling overwhelmed, reach out! Find a friend, co-worker, pastor, pastor’s wife, someone who can listen and help. Sometimes just sitting down and talking helps.

At home, set limits! If you have teenagers make sure they are doing their share! The biggest mistake a parent can make is to not teach their children responsibility!

Your kids should know how to do a load of laundry and wash dishes! It won’t hurt them, no matter how much they whine about it. Teach them how to cook, how to clean. Even your boys! They may live on their own one day, and then what will they do? Besides that, you should not be walking behind them every minute picking up after them; they should be pulling their own weight. Take off the cape!

In your social life you have to give a little as well. Woman want to feel needed and admit it, we also want to be “liked”. We have a tendency to want to do things our way. Just because others may not do things the way I would do them doesn’t mean they do them poorly. I need to step back and delegate and then let go! Give them their wings! This gives you the chance to do other more important tasks and keep your sanity in the process.

Did you know even Superman was vulnerable? When he took off his cape he had to have close human contact just like us! He needed to be comforted, loved and he needed intimacy.

What would it be like to take off that cape….forever?

Look around and see who it is you are really trying to please and seeking approval from all the time.

Where in your life are you trying to be Superhuman?

Ask yourself what you are trying to prove?

Let go of that need to please, lay down that load and quit trying to be everything to everybody all of the time.

Start trying to just please God first, love your family, take time for YOU and give yourself a break.

What a weight lifted! What a relief!

You only have one life so do it now….take off the cape!
