Chaos into cosmos…it’s in His hands!

It’s Five Minute Friday! So thankful for the word prompt today, “hands”. FMF is all about writing just for the love of the written word. No over-thinking, over-editing, or stressing out! Today I am linking up with other writers at Lisa Jo Baker’s site. You can read all of the other posts there too! Join me and feel free to comment on these “hands”.

‘All things work together’; they would not do so, unless there was one dominant Will which turned the chaos into a cosmos. ~Alexander Maclaren

Have you ever tied a string around your finger so that you would not forget something important? Perhaps that seems foreign to us today since we have our high-tech phones into which we can set a “reminder” so easily. But it used to be a common spoken-of way to remember what you were to pick up at the grocery, or to not forget that one of the children had band practice after school. Of course the bigger tragedy would be to forget what you tied the string there for in the first place!

“Behold, I have graven you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.” Isaiah 49:16.

As was the custom of the Jewish people at that time, they might make a mark in their hand, or on their finger, a resemblance of the holy city so they would not forget its importance to them. This is, perhaps, taken from the memorial of Passover in Exodus 13:9 ESV: “And it shall be to you as a sign on your hand and as a memorial between your eyes, that the law of the LORD may be in your mouth. For with a strong hand the LORD has brought you out of Egypt. The Lord was letting Jerusalem know that they were always before Him. They were not forgotten! They were so important that He had engraved them on His hands! When those hands went to work, those hands that rules nations, subdued kingdoms and won every battle, it was all for Zion.

That promise was not just for Jerusalem, friend. That promise was for you today. For me.

Jesus actually fulfilled that promise in a big way on Calvary. He literally took spikes in His hands for our remembrance. They are ever before Him, we are never forgotten. He did it for you. For me. “Then He said to Thomas, ‘Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put itinto My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.’” John 20:27 NKJV. Like Thomas, we may think at times that we are forsaken. We just cannot find the strength to believe because we don’t “see” the answer. Yet He is there.

Chaos into cosmos

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28. THE Called. We skip over that part so much when we quote it; sometimes it is left out altogether! But it has always stood out to me. THE Called.

He called us, He sanctioned us, and He redeemed us for His purpose.

Then He promised to never leave us nor forsake us and to be with us to the very end. That is where our faith and trust in the One whose hands rule the world is so important. We can believe, not because we have seen, but because of His Word. It never fails. It never comes back to us empty. And everything He asks us to do, or believe, we can know that He is using those hands to work it out for our good.

Chaos into cosmos…it’s in His hands.



Sharing with Essential Fridays, Faith Filled Friday, Fellowship Fridays, Family Fun Friday, Living Proverbs 31, Inspire Me Monday, Amaze Me Monday

11 thoughts on “Chaos into cosmos…it’s in His hands!

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you for taking the time, Sabrina! Blessings!

  2. Candace Jo Post author

    Witness to the world!! Amen, Floyd!!

  3. Candace Jo Post author

    Yes, Sharon, I do remember singing that! Full of Truth, amen. Good thoughts, friend. ♥

  4. Candace Jo Post author

    Yes He does, Cathy! We are so blessed to know the Creator of the Universe.

  5. Candace Jo Post author

    So welcome Megan! Thank you for stopping by!

  6. megan w

    Beautiful! Such a wonderful reminder of His everlasting love and the amazingness of His grace. Thank you for reminding me!!

  7. Sharon

    Remember that old song, “He’s got the whole world…in His hands” – fun song, and full of Truth! He does indeed have everything in His hands. Even me, and every moment of my life.

    I sometimes wonder if the only scars in heaven will be those of our precious Savior.


  8. Floyd

    Interesting… our hands should be our reminders of Him whom we serve, our actions with them the witness to the world. Good word.

  9. joanneviola

    Nannette, I am most grateful to read your words this morning. I needed to be reminded our God is the One who brings order to chaos. He speaks and it is so. All things are in His hands. Blessings, my friend!

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