Begin…the blessing is in the obedience.


Where do we start? How do we begin?

Those were the questions facing me and The Sweetheart on our first trip to Tallinn, Estonia four years ago. Our first missionary journey, we were beyond ecstatic as newbies.

One of the first things our missionary mentor suggested we do was to take prayer walks.


By ourselves?

So we set out together in downtown Tallinn, where we lived, and took off like lightning down the street.

 Setting the city on fire for Jesus. Yes, we were.

Ten minutes later?

We were finished.

Now what?

Since that exciting day of being totally lost on a prayer walk, I feel like we have come a long way. We definitely understand prayer walks. I even teach them all over the country with Revival By Design. (Don’t be too impressed, that is the only 45 minutes of talking I do for the entire seminar.)

We have started our own house church in a foreign country. We have been on evangelism outings, inviting, singing, reaching out to people as best we could. (No tooting of horns here, we just obeyed God, unsure of the outcome but trusting in the One who was doing the nudging.)

All of those things are great, we realize we were just blessed to be a part.

But, tomorrow?

Tomorrow we are traveling to Mazsalaca, Latvia (pronounced Maht-sa-lot-sa) to see two of our kids at work in their own house church.


Martins and Konstance were two of our very first contacts that came to know Jesus, baptized in His Name and filled with His spirit, while we were in Riga, Latvia. Our house church was made up of young people, we were the old ones on the team but we had the youngest house group.

We needed kids, they needed parents; it worked out great.

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These two did not even know each other at the time but met at our house group and English club. From there, love blossomed and they were engaged by the time we were heading home for Christmas, 2011. When we went back to the States in April, 2012, they were insistent that Doogalas, (The Sweetheart) return in August of that year to marry them. Return he did. What a thrill!

Today, Martins and Konstance are busy winning their families. They are preaching the Gospel all over Latvia, sharing the love of God and inviting others to come to know HIM.

We weren’t finished when we left Riga, it wasn’t over. The Steinbergs’ are just beginning to do great things for God. It had nothing to do with the two of us but everything to do with Jesus Christ. We are blessed to know these people, to now stand back and watch what God will do through them because they obeyed. They started, they are beginning to touch lives and share what God has done for them.

The blessing is in the obedience.


Sharing with Living Proverbs 31

5 thoughts on “Begin…the blessing is in the obedience.

  1. Pingback: Christ is Enough for Me!

  2. Candace Jo Post author

    You are right, that is as good as it gets, Floyd. In Riga, Latvia, 700,000 people live in the capital city of a country that only has 2 million. So many come to Riga for work or school, so the young people really are without parents 🙂 We were parents who had left their kids behind in the States! (Our youngest was there for six months) so God knew what we all needed. He is cool like that 🙂

  3. Candace Jo Post author

    Guatemala, my husband has always wanted to go there. He has been to Nicaragua and South America but I have only been to this part of Europe. Maybe some day…so happy you had the experience! Life changing ♥

  4. Simply Beth

    Loved this, Nannette. Makes me think of the prayer walk I took almost exactly a year ago while in Guatemala. It was my first time and I remember my initial response being, what? But those 10 days in Guatemala are days I will never forget. Thank you to you and your husband for your obedience and blessings to those that follow you.

  5. Floyd

    That’s too cool… You’re obedience is encouraging. Getting to be part of soul destination changes is as good as it gets and a blessing from God to be used as His conduit. It says a lot about people that young ones are attracted to.

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