The Daniel Fast: Fasting with Knowledge = Power!

Fasting Together in JanuaryBlogging every day in January for those who are fasting! Join us and catch up on previous posts here! I have a wonderful Daniel Fast approved recipe for you today! Some have already began the fast, others are starting later in the month. Some may be doing a different type of fast. Whatever you are doing, do it unto the Lord.

The more we know about fasting, the more we delve into the Word, the closer we will draw to Jesus Christ.

You will experience rewards from fasting! You will see chains broken, lives changed and prayers answered.

Most of all, in the days leading up to the fast, no matter when you start, (and it doesn’t matter when you start!), prepare your heart! Ask the Lord to show you things that need to be brought out into the open and dealt with, or done away with altogether. He will do just that because He loves you so much.

Your flesh is going to rebel during the fast, especially at the beginning. It is going to be a fight to stay away from the things that you normally put into your system every day. That is why it is so important to PRAY and FAST together! Keep focused on why you are doing what you are doing.

Fasting with Knowledge = power

Always remember that God will honor your sacrifice. “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 KJV.


From the blog of Jessie Monds!

Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Pecans, Apples, and Dried Cranberries

4 individual sized sweet potatoes or yams

1/4 cup coconut milk

1/3 cup roasted pecans

1/3 cup dried cranberries

1 large crisp apple (I love Honeycrisp), cored and diced

Cinnamon, as garnish

Preheat oven to 400.  Scrub the sweet potatoes until the skins are clean then dry them with a kitchen towel.  Pierce sweet potatoes all over using a fork or paring knife. Place each potato into a square of aluminum foil with a drizzle of grapeseed oil and sprinkle of salt.  Wrap tightly.  Roast potatoes until tender, 45-55 minutes.  Remove and allow to cool for at least 15 minutes.

Remove potatoes from foil and cut a large slit from end to end.  If they are still too hot wait for them to cool slightly so you can handle them.  Use a spoon to carefully scrape out the flesh of the potatoes.  Leave enough of a border that the skins will not completely fall apart, 1/2″ or so.  Use a fork to mash the potatoes together with the coconut milk.  Add salt, pepper, and grated fresh nutmeg to taste.  Fresh orange zest would be good, too.

Evenly scoop the filling back into the potato shells.  At this point they can be stored for 24 hours.  Bring to room temperature then reheat in 350 oven until warm.  Top each potato with the pecans, dried cranberries, apples, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

It’s never too late to purchase The Daniel Fast Devotional! It is such a help to you during ANY FAST. Twenty one devotions and three days of preparation devotions, you will be encouraged and learn about nearly every fast that took place in the Bible. The good and the bad! Yes, there were those whose fasting was NOT unto the Lord. You can click on any of these links and order from Amazon on the Kindle or paperback.

Be blessed!



4 thoughts on “The Daniel Fast: Fasting with Knowledge = Power!

  1. Nannette Post author

    Hi Christina, I’m sorry I didn’t see this yesterday. ANY fast that is sacrificial to the Lord is good in my opinion. If you are just looking for a day or two you could fast a meal or get from supper to supper or whatever works for you. It should be some sort of a sacrifice but if you don’t fast regularly then you won’t want to go on a water only three day fast your first time. 😊 Of course the Daniel Fast is a good one to do on a longer basis, even a week is good and you can still work and not be weak. You are still giving up things that you love so it is sacrificial. I hope they helps and I hope your first day went well! Just pray for God to use you and give you wisdom and He will! ♥️

  2. christina

    i start a new job tomorrow and I would like to fast for knowledge for this specific job.what is the best fast for me to do.

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