12 Hours to Save Thumper

I haven’t seen the Disney movie Bambi in years but I may have to rent it soon. And I will probably cry all the way through it because of Thumper. I think one of Thumper’s most famous quotes in that movie is, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.”  He was also pretty wise for a bunny rabbit. He was the cutest cartoon character; so loveable, so adorable, so stinkin’ cute!

Thumper was brave, really brave. We found him yesterday at the end of our driveway. The Sweetheart almost ran over him but decided to get out and inspect the dark little bundle curled up at the edge of the yard. He at first thought it was a mouse because he was so tiny but upon further inspection, he realized what he had discovered.

Thumper, the tiny bunny rabbit, couldn’t have been more than a day old; he had small puncture wounds under his left ear and left hind leg. Later in the day we would discover the empty nest and the black cat lurking by who had likely taken the rest of the family.

Luckily for us, middle son Kristopher, the RN in the family, was visiting for the weekend. He is also a lover of animals of all shapes and sizes. What I didn’t realize is how this small little mammal would capture our hearts so quickly.

We brought him in and immediately found an eye dropper and warmed up some milk, and began searching the internet for any information on how to care for a “kit”, as they are referred to in their infancy. We learned they needed a heating pad for warmth, and that kitten’s milk would be the best. Kristopher cleaned his wounds and fed him some milk we had on hand; we got him settled in a box with his heating pad. But he was still pretty lifeless, so off we go to get the right kind of milk, just to make sure this little guy doesn’t go the way of his siblings.photo

All day long we tended to his needs, huddled around the cardboard box as if the world had stopped for this one little creature. He had to make it! We called the veterinarian; yes, we called the veterinarian on a Friday night! She told us that, in most cases, they do not survive without their mother but she would continue to doctor him exactly as we were doing. Keep him warm; feed him every three hours. He would probably even show signs of improvement but not to expect a miracle.

At his 7:30 and 10:30 p.m. feedings he was like a different bunny rabbit! He was moving around in the box, rooting under his blanket and really going after his milk. We were ecstatic, we talked to him like we were feeding a baby. Good thing nobody was watching, we were probably making fools of ourselves but we didn’t care, Thumper was going to make it and we were saving him! I felt like Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman!

You can see our first feeding attempt on video by clicking the link here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxbwND3hzyE

At the 4:30 a.m. feeding I got up to check on Kristopher and we saw Thumper wasn’t  doing so well. He didn’t want to take his milk, his breathing was labored and we were very worried. We were all gathered around the box again. Kristopher had him all cocooned in his hand with his blankets to keep him warm, he was lifeless, but kept opening and closing his mouth, and we realized he was gasping for air. We had prayed for this rabbit, you would have too! My heart was breaking for one of God’s little ones who had suffered under the hands of another so cruelly, it just didn’t  seem fair. I was so hoping we could save him; but it just wasn’t meant to be.

At 5:30 a.m., almost exactly twelve hours after we brought him in from the cold, Thumper quietly  slipped away. Our hearts were broken. How can you fall in love with such a pitiful looking little guy in such a short time? He fought hard, we fought hard, but it seemed we all had lost.

I’ve thought about it all day, Thumper, maybe you are better off. It’s a scary world for such a little guy. Even though I couldn’t understand why we lost this battle, I was wonderfully reminded how blessed we were to get to spend twelve hours close up with one of God’s special newborn creations. We were able to feed him, hold him, and try our best to breathe life back into him. For that I am grateful, because it taught me so much in that short time. Lord, help me to take the time to LOVE, even when I think it might not be worth the effort. Thumper was worth it.

I think he said it best, “Being brave is easy. All you got to do is be scarier than what is scaring you!”thumper

 Goodbye Thumper, you will be missed…



17 thoughts on “12 Hours to Save Thumper

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    Six! I cannot imagine losing six, as broken up as we were over Thumper we would have been a blubbering mess! Kristopher went out early the next morning and gave Thumper a proper burial, if the neighbors had seen I am sure they would have thought we were nuts. But he didn’t deserve to be thrown in the trash! Tell your sister we feel her loss. Thank you for taking the time to share! Have a great weekend. ♥

  2. Candace Jo Post author

    Six!! Oh my I would be devastated! As heartbroken as we were over little Thumper I can’t imagine losing six of them, we would have been a blubbering mess! Kristopher went out early that morning and properly buried Thumper, if the neighbors had seen I am sure they would have thought we were nuts. But He didn’t deserve a toss in the trash can! Tell your sister we feel her loss! Thank you so much for taking the time to share. Have a great weekend! ♥

  3. jdukeslee

    Great story, Nannette. I’ll have to pass this along to my sister. She found six abandoned ground squirrels recently, and tried her hardest to save them. But, sure enough, one by one, they died. She was so broken-hearted.

  4. Candace Jo Post author

    Amen, amen. I know you see big lessons in little stories too! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! Blessings friend! ♥

  5. Candace Jo Post author

    I am sure he did, funny thing is I am not normally one to get up close and personal to “rodents”, as I would call them! But my heart was just full of compassion for this little guy, it was heartbreaking. God was surely using this lesson for something bigger. ♥

  6. livingrealblog

    What a wonderful story! And this line is my prayer as well: Lord, help me to take the time to LOVE, even when I think it might not be worth the effort.

  7. Hazel Irene Moon

    Your story is so heart warming, regardless of the outcome. The little fellow probably had internal injuries from the cat visit so don’t take it personal that he passed on.

  8. djelkins

    I grew up on a farm and experienced the opportunity to deal with many varieties of animals, yet this little guy really pulled on my heartstrings! It was such a joy to have him for just a few hours! You did a great job of relating this story!

  9. ladybug1016

    ummmm…..yeah, pretty much. We lived in Martinsville and were about 10 minutes from Bloomington, so went there all the time! I was born in Missouri, but we moved to Indiana when I was 15 and I moved back there after I graduated from college and taught for my dad for 3 years. Then I moved to Muncie for 5 years.

  10. Candace Jo

    Just south of Indy?! I live just south of Indy! I’m in Bloomington, born and raised. Any chance we are talking about the same place? They say it is a small world…this would be too weird!

  11. ladybug1016

    yep that cold weather is exactly why I moved to South Carolina. I grew up in Indiana just south of Indy.

  12. Candace Jo

    Thank you for visiting the site Michelle! Yes He cares!! Even in the little things, it was a great reminder for me too. Feel free to sign up and follow the blog, I would love for you to share and be a part!

  13. Candace Jo

    Awww, with three little boys I have doctored a few injured critters myself but for some reason this little guy really got to me. Must be the old age! I forgot to share that Kristopher gave Thumper a proper burial too…we just won’t tell Mamaw Tava where the grave is! 🙂
    Thank you so much for reading and I have enjoyed Golden Apples too! I had no idea that was you!

  14. Dexter J. Elkins

    Very nice story, Candy, despite the sad ending. Your perspective is great, however, realizing the experience was still worthwhile. As a boy of about 6, I once tried to “doctor” a small lizard back to health Daddy and I found when he first bought the farm. It had been injured as well, and I kept it in my wagon for a couple of days, bringing it various bugs to eat. Alas, it was not to be, and I ended up giving him/her a decent burial. I had named it as well, but it’s now been too long for me to recall what it was.

    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Michelle

    As I read this story it reminds me of how much God cares for us….even so much more

  16. Candace Jo

    Thank you for your stories too! They sure can grab hold of you can’t they?

    Yeah we are in Colts and Hoosier country out here! But we pay a price with the cold weather. Please stay connected!!

  17. ladybug1016

    awwww…..This would completely break my heart! But I love your perspective on it- that you got to spend some close-up time with one of God’s little creatures! Back when we lived in South Carolina, I found two little flying squirrels that had been ejected from their nest one way or another. I called a friend who was a vet and she counseled us on how to try to care for these little creatures. I fed them and kept them warm, but the next morning one of them was lifeless. The other one though was alive and well!! I took him to the vet and one of the vet techs there was going to keep him. I still think about him. I’m sorry that Thumper didn’t make it. It is a cruel world.

    Oh, and by the way, I’m seeing a lot of Colts stuff around your blog. I’m from Indiana. I was a huge Colts fan, but have since shifted to Denver. It’s closer to where we are and well, Peyton is there! 🙂

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