“One of these days you’re gonna turn around and I’m not going to be here!”

Sweet Jenni at storyofmylifetheblog.blogspot.com issued a fun challenge to bloggers to blog Every Single Day in May and she supplied the topics for all 31 days. Yep, I’m behind, but there are no rules, and no blog police come knocking if you miss, skip, or mess up. So, hey, I’m in!


Day 13 is to issue a public apology, fun, serious or creative. Here we go!

I apologize to My Three Sons for all the times I embarrassed them when they were young. For drawing smiley faces and notes on their napkins and carefully placing them in their lunch boxes. I apologize for teaching them to clean their rooms, make their beds, and and know how to properly sort and wash a load of laundry.

I’m so sorry for forcing them to go to church and for praying over them before they left for school each morning when they were young. For teaching them to mow the lawn, rake the leaves and spread mulch until they smelled like manure.

My apologies for spending time with them at the pond, pulling catfish off their hooks when they were afraid to tackle it, whacking the heads off of snakes while their friends cheered me on, and filling countless pitchers of Kool-Aid for the ballteam in the Pit.

I sure am sorry for making sure they had breakfast every morning whether they wanted it or not, most of the time they didn’t, and always making sure they had a clean bed to sleep in and clean clothes on their back.

I apologize for kissing them goodnight, tucking them in, and reading countless Berenstein Bears and Cat-in-the-Hat books without fail.

No, of course there is nothing to apologize for. And they have never made me feel that way. This was just for fun. Although I am sure I did embarrass them a few times! It was a privilege to be able to be home with them. It was a privilege to be their Mom.


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