Things I’ve Learned That School Didn’t Teach Me!

Continuing the Blogging Challenge! Today is Day 23, Thursday: Things you’ve learned that school won’t teach you. And this one is interactive! Be sure and reply with your own thoughts today to make it even more fun!


I’ve learned that you can’t change people no matter how hard you try. They may annoy you, hurt you, lie about you, stab you in the back, and you may have to call them “family”, but you are stuck with them. So you learn how to take deep breaths and realize that they are in your life for a reason. If for nothing else than to teach you patience…lots of patience.

I’ve learned that there really is more love in this world than hate. No, really there is. You may have to go looking for it sometimes but it is there. Look past those that dwell on negativity, the “gloom and doomers”, and you may be surprised to see right in your own little world, and commUNITY, people that are reaching out and giving a helping hand.

I’ve learned not to believe everything I hear. I hate gossip and it is so easy to get pulled into it. One minute you are talking about the weather and the next minute you are talking about somebody! But 99% of the time it isn’t true and someone gets hurt so the best thing to do is to do like Barney always said, “Nip it! Nip it in the bud!”

I’ve learned I can’t make it in this life without family. Yeah, I know I’ve already blogged about that a couple of times in this challenge. But they are the ones that stick around. I was blessed! Just look at your wedding pictures! I always heard that when you are planning your wedding you might as well use family members as attendants because chances are you won’t even have contact with most of the people who stand up with you ten years after your wedding. So true.

I’ve learned that time passes way too quickly. Wherever you are in your life that clock is ticking fast! Enjoy every minute, make the most of every day.

I’ve learned that it pays to have a good work ethic. The Sweetheart instilled this in our boys because his father imparted it to him. Laziness doesn’t pay! If you want to get anywhere in this world you are going to have to work at it. As the saying goes, “Money doesn’t grow on trees…” Never has, never will.

I’ve learned you cannot truly appreciate the adversities of others until you have experienced some for yourself. A true heart of compassion and a need to minister is born from hardship. We feel the need to reach out because we too have suffered and have known the heartaches and sorrows. Who better to comfort and reach out than one who can relate?

I’ve learned that marriage truly can be for a lifetime. That is one thing that definitely is NOT taught in school! I married young, too young by some standards, even though you couldn’t have told me that then! Love is blind. Two years after we were married we started a family, and I was never happier. I had so much growing up to do but thankfully God was merciful, we did love each other and that kept us together. This July we will celebrate 34 years!

I’ve learned that school doesn’t prepare you to be a parent! Oh my word, can I hear an “Amen”! Parenting teaches you to be a parent and it is hard work. I think they do have actual classes in some schools now. I have even seen some girls carrying around “babies” for 24 hours that they bring home from school to take care of and monitor. Of course it is nowhere near the same thing but at least they are trying. I give them an “A” for effort. Even reading thousands of self-help books on the subject is not the same as just getting in there and getting your hands dirty. Love them, lead them, and give them all of YOU.

And finally, I’ve learned that no matter what I have gone through God has never left me or forsaken me. Even when I knew I was the guilty one, He loved me back home! All of my mistakes, my failures and blunders, He kept on forgiving and pardoning.


So what have you learned? I would love to hear! Leave your comments and your thoughts on things you’ve learned that school didn’t teach you.


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