Husband in Training…

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There are always those times in your life that you look forward to with anticipation. And there are others that come up out of the blue and blow you away. Surprises are great if they are well intended and meaningful and if the recipient prospers from the shock, revelation, or bombshell.

Such was the case with me back in the early 80’s. It was Christmas, which is always a happy time! I wasn’t expecting any elaborate presents because we were still young-marrieds with a toddler. We weren’t exactly rolling in the dough, so to speak.

The entire family was over, both sides, the Elkins’ and the Miller’s. We were all close and had gotten together to watch Kyle open some of his gifts and we were probably exchanging gifts among ourselves.

Now the rage in those days was to have a microwave. These suckers were huge and took up half of your kitchen counter space but who cared? It was a MICROWAVE! And everybody had to have one!  Well I did not have one and sure did not expect to get one because they were not $59.95 at Walmart like you can get one today.

Everyone had suddenly become real quiet and whispering as The Sweetheart came up the stairs carrying a huge box beautifully wrapped with a gorgeous bow on top.

He was smiling, ear to ear, and when he does that his eyes disappear. He was sure proud of himself. Whatever was in that box he knew he was going to be King of the Castle for weeks, if not months, to come.

He sat it down in front of me, pulled up a chair and told me to sit down and open it. Everyone gathered around with their cameras.

Pause. If my whole life were not in storage I know I have this picture somewhere.

And I hate it that I cannot dig it out. But hopefully you will get the full effect.


With sheer delight I tear off the paper and see a microwave box; I am beside myself! I can’t believe it. I jump up to give him a kiss, unsure of how in the world he has been able to afford one. Then I notice everyone is laughing and giggling.

I sit back down to open the box. Yes, there is a microwave in there. My brain is working…it’s a microwave, why are they laughing, what is so funny?

The Sweetheart and some of the others reach in to pull it out and then I realize why the laughter…I have been had.

This microwave is not new.

By then everyone is laughing louder. The Sweetheart, though, is not. He is watching me. I am beginning to catch on.

This is my mother’s OLD MICROWAVE!!!

Who got a NEW MICROWAVE for Christmas?? My mother!

Who got an OLD MICROWAVE for Christmas?? ME!

Suddenly I don’t think this is so funny. And suddenly The Sweetheart doesn’t either.

At first I am shocked and my face probably shows it. It’s hard to have a practical joke played on you and not show a reaction on your face. I think I did have a few things to say, knowing me it was, “Un-bee-LEEEVE-ABLE!!!”

But I am in a difficult position. I can either throw a fit and pout and make him look bad or I can go along with the joke.

So, I realize he thought he was doing something nice even though it was not such a great way to do it.

He had only been in Husband Training for a few short years. He knows better now.

Of course I forgave him.

And of course I used the microwave.

I lovingly prepared him all the frozen TV dinners he wanted in that NEW microwave.

For months…


3 thoughts on “Husband in Training…

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    Ha, ha, Christina, I am still teaching!! It will be 34 years in July! He has been pretty good to me! So glad you have stopped by the blog, I will be checking out yours too and subscribing. I love to make new friends, hope you return and join Hope in the Healing! Blessings!!

  2. Christina @ The Murrayed Life

    Ooohhh men. You handled it much more lovingly then I would have. I mean, it’s one thing to explain that a microwave is better than none and to give it like that, but to pretend it’s new?! oi. I’m glad he’s learned since then. 🙂

  3. Kim

    I love it. He did do a nice thing with the microwave to Mom…but didn’t think of the consequences of that old microwave. Love your blog.

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