Back Across the Big Pond!

We are so excited to be heading back to our beloved Latvia today!


The church in Riga will be hosting their 2nd Annual Apostolic Power Conference and we are blessed to be able to attend! We will be gone about three weeks and I will be posting and updating you about our trip and the conference. It will be almost like being there!

Please keep me and The Sweetheart in your prayers as we travel and also pray for the meetings that many souls would be saved!

Eastern Europe is not like some foreign countries when you talk of “revival”. When Ethiopia or South America has a revival you read of thousands being baptized and filled with the spirit in one meeting! But in Eastern Europe you have to build friendships and win the trust of the people.

A revival of nine souls in Europe is 9,000 anywhere else! It is so true!


We will be reunited with our “kids” that we were blessed to have in our House Church while we were there, we have missed them so much. They now have “kids” of their own! They have won souls to the Lord and started their own House Churches and are making disciples of them, teaching and training them to go out and win more souls for the Kingdom!

That’s the way Revival By Design works!

Some of them will one day soon pastor their own regular assembly! To God be the glory!


This picture was taken on our last night in Riga. They took us on a crazy ride through Riga and a Christmas light tour high above the city to see the lights. It was freezing and I didn’t have my coat so, true to his nature, The Sweetheart loaned me his jacket! He is taking the picture. Love him!

May God richly bless you all. I appreciate your prayers, encouragement and support of this ministry.

First stop is Paris, France for a ten hour layover….say what???!!!!
Somebody point me to the Eiffel Tower!!

In His Service,


Sharing with Woman to Woman, Wise Woman Builds, Winsome Wednesday, Encourage One Another, Hearts for Home, Thriving Thursdays, Grace at Home, Thrilling Thursday, thrive at home


4 thoughts on “Back Across the Big Pond!

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you so much Cindy! We are having a great time and today is our first service here. The conference starts this Friday and we are having it in a hotel in the city to accommodate what we are hoping and praying is a large crowd that the church building could not contain! We are so happy to be back here for even a short three weeks. Appreciate your prayers! ♥

  2. Cindy

    Wow! That sounds very exciting, how wonderful that you can go back. I’m sure you will see many changes and growth in the people you left behind.
    Your description of the people there sounds like Canadians. You have to make friends and they have to trust you before they will take one step towards listening to what you have to say about God. This country is too much like the European countries, and they pride themselves in it. May God richly bless you, and I will try to remember to pray for you and those meetings that you will attend.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  3. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you Brother Powell! We appreciate your support and your prayers! God bless you and your work for the kingdom’s sake!

  4. Jerry E. Powell

    ~ I am thrilled to read of your upcoming trip to Latvia; it is obviously a land and people that you love. I am praying for you all to have a great trip, a tremendous “Apostolic Power Conference’ and great fellowship with those whom you love and care for so deeply…may God continue to bless you and keep you safe in your travels to and from the country of Latvia. I love you all and appreciate the work you are doing for God.

    God bless,

    Jerry E. Powell
    Western District GMD Promotion Director
    Youth Impact Team Coordinator / Men’s Impact Team Coordinator

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