Category Archives: Choices

But Lord, I thought You loved me?

#FiveMinuteFriday two weeks in a row?! Yes! Today’s word prompt was perfect for my week: LOVED. I realize this is way too long for a #FMF post but hopefully it will be a blessing and I won’t be kicked out with “But Lord, I thought You loved me?!”

Mention The Dentist and everyone has a story. Some of them you want to hear, others you could go your entire lifetime without having to picture their nightmare in your mind. Then some are clueless altogether:

“My dentist told me I needed a crown and I was like, ‘I know, right?!'”

I have had so little to smile about or laugh about when it comes to my teeth the last couple of years. Everything that can go wrong has done just that. I have spent thousands of dollars and still don’t have a million dollar smile. But yesterday was the worst day ever.

Just a couple of weeks ago I had two root canals and three new crowns put in. While we were waiting on the permanent crowns, one of the temporaries fell off in my mouth in the middle of the night, breaking the remaining tooth with it and requiring a special post to be put in before the permanent crown could be attached. So far, that is holding well.

I woke up yesterday morning with something floating in my mouth again. This time it was the other permanent crown, completely broken off at the gum line! I was beside myself and called the dentist who got me in right away. I assumed they would do the same thing and make another post but they said there wasn’t enough to attach it to and I would need to have that remaining tooth pulled and a bridge and another crown put in!

Now, I know it’s just teeth. I know some would consider this a first-world-problem. But I don’t have thousands of dollars right now and I am also stressed to the max with dental woes. I’m tired and weary of shots and bite blocks and drills, oh my! So, when they told me what needed to be done and how much more it would cost, I couldn’t stop the tears that trickled down my face. (Thankfully they were applying the cost of the crown that broke toward the new crown and bridge which helped a bit.)

My dentist is a woman and she is super sweet and kept apologizing, brought me a box of tissues and said they would give me a moment alone to think about it.


The immature Christian in me laid my head back in the patient chair, closed my eyes and prayed, “Lord, I thought you loved me?” Okay, maybe not those exact words but the thought was in my head I am sure. Every time I have had to go to the dentist the last five months, and it is a lot, I have asked God to intervene, to make a way with the financial side, to work a miracle that I wouldn’t have to have the painful and expensive things done and every time, every single time, the opposite has happened. My bill just keeps climbing.

So these thoughts were running through my aching head: “Lord, I thought You loved me. I thought you would intervene here. You know we need a new(er) car and yet my dental bill IS a car payment! Nothing is working like I have prayed, Lord. I thought YOU loved me!”

Can you imagine what our God was thinking? He loves unconditionally. He loves whether my teeth are in or out of my mouth. He loves REGARDLESS. I know that. I knew that yesterday too and I remembered the three Hebrew men who were thrown into the fiery furnace. They made up their mind ahead of time that it didn’t matter what was going on around them, it didn’t matter their circumstance. They knew that their God COULD deliver them, but if He didn’t, it was okay, they were still determined, they still believed He was in control and they were still going to serve Him REGARDLESS. This is their reply to the King: “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty.  But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.” Daniel 3:16-18 NLT

They could have felt like I did and even asked God, “I thought you LOVED me?! Why would You put me in this situation? I thought my life was to be nothing but dark chocolate, cold brewed coffee and shopping sprees?”

But they didn’t. They knew that they lived in a fallen world, that bad things happen to good people and sometimes it’s just LIFE.

Yes, God DID deliver them! Yes, it was a mighty testimony of His delivering power and the King was amazed. 

God does love us. Sometimes we walk through valleys and think we are alone and the answer is not what we were expecting. But eventually we see that He walked WITH us, He never left us, He gave us a testimony, encouraged us through others and encouraged others through us!

God does care about the big and little things in our lives. How do I know there won’t be a bigger miracle down the road in regards to my teeth? And what if it isn’t about the money but about how I react to the situation? That maybe the people in that office are watching me and I could show them Jesus even if I am upset? That every time I have had to go in there I was bringing Jesus with me. Maybe it isn’t about me and my teeth at all! Maybe someone there needs to know Jesus loved us all. He still does and He reaches continually for the hurting and the broken.

Even if He doesn’t answer the way we think He should, it doesn’t mean He doesn’t love. It means He is working in ways we cannot see and will use US to reach others even if it means enduring some temporary pain in this life.

For the kingdom


So, I return things.

So, I return things. It’s #FiveMinuteFriday! I was drawn to the word prompt today and although I will probably not stay within the five minute writing guideline, I hope it still is a blessing to someone.

So, yeah, I return things. I do it for the typical reasons most people return an item purchased:

  • It didn’t fit
  • I didn’t like it
  • It was damaged
  • It was used (i.e., the toaster oven had crumbs!)
  • Or, insert reason here ______

I am an avid online shopper. With my back issues, I have had to resort to Amazon and Kroger Click-List! Kohl’s is, of course, a favorite because, according to their policy, you can return just about anything just about anytime (watch that Kohl’s cash though!)  and so is Macy’s because they do not charge to return by mail on most things. (Kohl’s you need to return in-store or pay for shipping.) You are most welcome for my insider shopping tips. (smile)

I do seem to favor stores that have free shipping and free returns, who wouldn’t? I do not abuse the policy, I do not wear an item on purpose and return it later just to have a new outfit. (Not ethical, people.) But, they offer the service, I didn’t care for the item , so yes, I will return it if possible; tags are attached and I have my receipt.

But lately, the news has been abuzz with stories of the colossal giant, Amazon, banning faithful customers because of their many returns! Of course there are always two sides to every story but according to the customers interviewed, it was unfair. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. I have to admit I went to count the number of items I had returned in comparison to items kept. Whew! Wasn’t near as bad as I had thought. Hopefully, I am still in their good graces.

Many stores are following suit, or had started to crack down long ago and with The Retail Equation tracking a customers returns, policies could change drastically in the future.

Naturally, you would guess that my entire post is not just about the number of returns I generate. My posts are always about Jesus. (mic drop!) And how does He come into the picture on this one? Hint: it doesn’t have anything to do with praying before you step up to the return counter.

He accepts returns.

I cannot even begin to count the number of times I have returned my sorry self to Jesus. I am more than a mess, more than a disaster when I come crawling back, ashamed, confused, tired, weary and beyond exhausted. But He never turns me away, He never questions me or chides me for not having my receipt, i.e., dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s!

Deuteronomy 4:29 “But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

He knows I have worn this same sin or regret many times and here I am at His feet returning…again. But He doesn’t push me away, He doesn’t tell me I have met my quota and He doesn’t ban me from coming back time and time again. He knows I will be back and yet He welcomes me, like the prodigal son, over and over again!

What do you need to return to Him today?

  • A broken heart?
  • A bad attitude?
  • A rapidly dissolving marriage?
  • Children who have strayed from Truth?
  • A job situation that is more than desperate?
  • Insert need here ______!
  • Worried about contracting the virus or financial stress since the quarantine started.
  • Worried that you haven’t seen your grandkids in two months!
  • Anxious to get back to church but maybe apprehensive about being in a crowd again?

Jesus knows them all! He hears your worries, your cares and your prayers and He is near to your broken and anxious heart.

Psalm 37:23-24 “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.”

2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Isaiah 30:18 “Therefore the LORD waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the LORD is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.”

So, pack up your worries, troubles, anxieties and cares and return them to Jesus. Today. His arms are open and His mercies are new. Every morning.

For the kingdom

So, there was that time I was STUCK

So, there was that time I was STUCK….It’s #FiveMinuteFriday and today’s word prompt is, you guessed it….STUCK!

Years and years ago, my mother, grandmother, youngest brother and first of My Three Sons and I took a trip to Florida. The Sweetheart was working and my inlaws owned a place in the Ocala area. Free vacay!

Everything was great, the weather, the place, the company, until we decided to go to the beach.

Now, in my defense, I have been to the ocean many, many times. As a young girl growing up, my family vacationed in St. Petersburg for many years and even if we weren’t in that city, the ocean was our destination of choice.

But…as an adult…the designated driver and sort of Leader-of-the-Pack, I had never driven to the beach.

Again, in my defense, everyone else was doing it. Parking their car in the sand on the beach. This was the early 80’s, maybe things were different then, maybe it was a secluded area, I can’t remember particulars. All I remember is that I was following The Crowd. Until I didn’t notice that The Crowd had all moved their vehicles OUT of the sand and onto the parking lot.

There was no notice. No text message. No Guy-in-Charge-of-the-Ocean that came around and said it was TIME.

Time for what you ask?

Tide. Not the kind you wash with or eat either. The kind that comes in every evening and causes the ocean to envelop everything in its path. If that happens to be a vehicle? Too bad.

I was kindly alerted to this impending disaster when a group of young people come running to me saying I needed to move that car and NOW. I jumped in the driver’s seat but it was already STUCK. It wasn’t that waves were lapping at the car but the sand was already wet and those tires were digging in fast.

Intent on saving the day and impressing all the teenage girls, this group of guys began to push and push until they had successfully gotten my new Buick out of the sand. Yes, I said NEW BUICK because it hadn’t been too long since I had totaled The Sweetheart’s beloved little truck, hit head on by a little old lady in a tank. (You can read that hilarious story here!) So, we had a nice new car that was about to be carried out to sea.

Have you ever been STUCK? So much so that it seemed as if all of life and the world around you was about to suck you in and drag you into oblivion? That might seem a little extreme and even a stretch for a spiritual analogy but it happens. Every single day.

We become STUCK in routines, STUCK in relationships, STUCK in financial hardships, STUCK in so-called friendships that are sucking the life right out of us.

Sometimes, we just need a push.

Jesus came to save, to deliver, to give us that PUSH that will help us become un-STUCK and encourage us to make the right decisions. To leave unhealthy relationships, to manage our finances better by putting Him first and to even help us to realize that our routines are time-wasters and show us a better way to manage that time!

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 ESV

If STUCK describes you today, turn it over to jesus and let Him give you life abundant!

For the kingdom