Tag Archives: She Reads Truth

Away from the presence of the Lord…


Poor Jonah…If you do not know the story of Jonah and “the whale”, which is actually a big fish, here is the short version:

God tells him to go to Nineveh to preach to the wicked people that if they didn’t change their ways, He would destroy them.

Nope, no way in this world is he going to do that.

“But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.” Jonah 1:3.

Now Jonah’s home was in Gath-hepher, near Nazareth in Israel, Jerusalem being about 30 miles northwest of Joppa. So he travels to Joppa, where he gets on a boat heading for Tarshish.

Do you know that Tarshish is the most distant city in the known world?! It is 2200 miles to the WEST, clear on the edge of Spain!

Nineveh, where God told Jonah to go, was at least 500 miles EAST of Jerusalem in modern day Iraq!


Jonah’s reasoning for all of this disobedience? He despised the Assyrians, the people of Nineveh. He wanted to see them get what they “deserved”. The Assyrians were out to conquer the world and were a definite threat to Israel, so Jonah had made up his mind that they should be destroyed, he would have no part in their salvation!

So he makes a beeline for Tarshish, via Joppa, and hops a boat, where he makes all kinds of trouble.

The men on the boat discover he must be the cause of the mayhem, since the ship is about to sink, so he confesses that he is the lowlife they are looking for and even though they do not wish to do so, they finally through him overboard…and the sea is calm once again!

Picked up by a giant fish, he spends three nights in the belly of this overgrown sea lion, not the most pleasant of accommodations. “Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish’s belly…” Jonah 2:1.

“When my soul fainted within me,
I remembered the Lord;
And my prayer went up to You,
Into Your holy temple.”
Jonah 2:7.

Confession is good for the soul…especially in Jonah’s case.  He realizes his mistake, “And the Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.” Jonah 2:10.

Can we truly run from God and prosper?


“‘Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him?’ declares the LORD. ‘Do I not fill heaven and earth?’ declares the LORD.” (Jeremiah 23:24).

Did not the Lord create us, knows all about us and even fills the earth with His presence? There is no hiding from God!

Jonah found it out the hard way and had to spend three nights with weeds wrapped around his head.

How much are we like Jonah today? We think we know better than God, we bargain with Him, plead with Him and even run away from the Lord in our attempt to do our own will.

Things never go as we plan when we take things in our own hands! Like Jonah, we will find we could have saved ourselves a host of troubles had we just obeyed God in the first place.
What are you struggling with today that you need to repent of? Do it today! We have no promise of tomorrow! Is there something or someone that you cannot forgive? Is it really worth it to hold a grudge? Do you realize it is only hurting YOU? Repent, repent, and repent some more, as Jonah would have said.

Let it go! Tomorrow may be too late….pray, fast, break the chains that are holding you back and start living the life God intends for you to live.

Save yourself the money on those traveling shoes…

Sharing with Making your home sing, Living Proverbs 31, Modest Mondays, UNITE , Walking Redeemed

Get out of that stinky boat!

So excited to share our She Reads Truth Bible Study with you today. We are studying 1 Peter and if you have never been introduced to SRT this is a great time to start! It is a wonderful interactive community where you can hook up through You Version on your iPhone or iPad or just on the computer if you like. You read the scriptures for the day then you join the link and read the short Bible lesson.

Then if you want to you can read the comments by other people that have joined in and given their thoughts on the lesson for the day, all throughout the day! Even better, YOU can participate and give YOUR take on the scripture IF you want to, you are not required, you can be just a fly on the wall if you like!

SRT has grown to thousands and thousands of people around the globe participating together to study God’s Word! Check it out! 1 Peter | Day 3 | Called to be Holy.

My thoughts on striving for perfection and being holy,”We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise….But, let the one who boasts boast in the Lord. For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” 2 Corinthians 10:12, 17, 18

I always heard growing up from my wise pastor that if we had reached perfection….we would not be here! I think only a few had attained that like Enoch, “…and Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” Genesis 5:24.

And of course the prophet Elijah who was carried away in a whirlwind…”As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.” 2 Kings 2:11.

So we are STRIVING for perfection, “But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him. Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.” (1 John 2:5,6 NLT)

We will not attain it in this life! Our goal is to be Christ-like in our actions so the world will see Jesus in us! Sme people will never enter the doors of a church building! We may be the only witness they ever see…and believe for sure they are watching us!

We will fall, we will fail, as Sarah wrote so beautifully but “when I fall I shall arise!”

Get up, dust yourself off and get back to work, there are fish to catch!

Be blessed!