Tag Archives: She Reads Truth

My Five Fave Blogs!

Continuing the Challenge to Blog Every Day in May! Today I am sharing My Five Favorite Blogs that I love following right now, I hope you like them too!


Amy Kelly at Walk Humbly With God  just does an awesome job making her readers feel at home when they visit her blog! She writes with a passion for God along her journey from sin to forgiveness through grace. She is a middle school science teacher and she and her hubby are the parents of two awesome kids, Big Girl and Little Man. Yikes, Big Girl is 16!  You will be blessed by the words from her mouth as I have the last few months. Especially take time to read A Childhood Memory…a real stomach-pumping page turner!


Heather at 40 Year Wanderer has spent 40+ years wandering through life – at first aimlessly and now at last with drive, passion, and commitment to Christ who called her out of the darkness. Her life has brought depression and healing, death and life, destruction and repair, sadness and victory – and above all else … Love. What started as a gifted love for writing, blossomed into a ministry and a career.


She penned a Christmas poem at age seven for her father, who carried it in his wallet until the day he died a few years later. She knows deeply how words can touch a life. Her blog is such an encouragement to so many people on a daily basis. Please check it out!

Brooke Keith, as you have guessed by now, is one of my best friends in the blogging world! Her words of wisdom from Grace Alone: Ministering to the Hearts of Women is a blessing to the many followers she has. She is an accomplished author of children’s books, including Chrissie’s Shell and Forever His and over 55 other titles. She writes for many other ministries such as CBN, Internet Café Devotions, Dayspring’s InCourage, and Mature Living.


You like adventure? Then Adeline and her husband are the missionaries for you! Now serving in the Dominican Republic, their exciting ministry will keep you coming back for more! Dancing in the Storm is an amazing blog full of life stories, alligators, tarantulas and cockroaches, oh my! But more importantly they are in the trenches reaching the lost every single day. Adeline pulls the reader in and lets you walk beside her and feel her burden for those that have yet to meet the Savior. You won’t be disappointed!


And last, but definitely not least, Ibukun at Learning to Breathe, is just, well, simply amazing. I love to read anything she puts out there! Her little bio on her blog says she is currently a music major at the University of Lagos. She enjoys 5a.m. conversations with God, swimming, singing in the shower, drinking tea at odd hours and strutting around in heels. Quite the gal! But she has shared so much wisdom with us at the She Reads Truth community. I am sure you will enjoy her writings as much as I have. But you will not find her on Twitter. Grin.

I have gained so much insight from these great ladies the past few months. Even though I have not met them face-to-face (I would love to some day!) they have been so kind to offer words of wisdom and advice to me as I have started my journey in the world encouragement through blogging. I know they will be a blessing to you as they have been to me! Happy Monday!

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