Tag Archives: Fasting

Fasting together: January 2018

Here you can read all of our fasting posts for the month of January, 2018.

Preparation for a New Year

Rebuild and Restore

Daniel Fast Basics

Anoint your head; wash your face

When fasting turns ugly

Is there Power in Fasting?

Snacks and a Guest Writer

Just keep doing good

So, you think you can fast?

Our eyes are on You

Recognizing the Promise

Keeping Mercy for Thousands

The Right Way for us

Fasting and Working for Answered Prayers

Stay in the Ship!

When Desperation Sets In

He will deliver you!

What’s in your heart?

Pulling down strongholds!

Chosen, Committed, Commissioned

Fighting temptation while fasting

Drink your water!

Confusing the Enemy

The Dust I Can’t See

He cannot be absent in our story!

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

What if my prayer isn’t answered?

That their eyes would be opened

Why does the lion roar?

The Holy Ghost Fell


Don’t forget to grab your copy of The Daniel Fast Devotional! Good for any fast, it is a great, simple read with devotions for every day of a three week fast. Get yours on Amazon here!

Fasting together: Recognizing the Promise

If you have missed any of our fasting devotions you can catch up here!

“Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. Luke 2:36-37 NKJV.

The story of Anna, the prophetess, as found in the Gospel of Luke, is fascinating on so many levels. Let me introduce this amazing lady to you…

Anna was elderly. The Bible tells us she had been married for seven years and then widowed. Then it is a little difficult to decipher whether she had been a widow for 84 years or she was 84 years old when we encounter her in Luke 2.

If it is the former, then she was around 105, which would not be out of the question, and many scholars agree this could be the case. She could have married at 14, a very common age to have married then, became a widow at 21, and then we come upon her at the temple 84 years later, at the ripe old age of 105.

This lovely lady served in the temple, night and day!                             

The Word even tells us she didn’t leave. She is the only woman mentioned by name in the New Testament as being a prophetess. (Philip’s daughters are said to have prophesied as well in Acts 21:9 but were not titled as such that we know of) Anna was highly honored in this regard as someone who could touch the throne of heaven with her prayers.

What is her significance here today?

Joseph and Mary had brought Jesus to Jerusalem to “…present him to the Lord…” Luke 2:22.  As was the custom in those days, every Jewish male baby had to be brought to the temple and a sacrifice made to the Lord: a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.

The parents of Jesus first encountered Simeon when they arrived at the temple. “And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.”

“Waiting for the consolation of Israel.” What does that mean?

The same word used here for consolation is the same word Jesus used later when He described the Holy Spirit as the Comforter. The word is paraklesis and it means “…one who comes alongside to help, one who pleads a cause…”

So Simeon was waiting for the Comforter!

He was waiting for the Messiah. When Mary and Joseph handed the child, Jesus, to him the Bible says, “Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.”

The Comforter, the Consolation, the Messiah, had come!

As far as Simeon was concerned, he could die in peace. What he had been working for, waiting for and living his entire life telling others about, had finally arrived.

Then they encountered Anna, who had spent her time much like Simeon, fasting, praying and telling everyone she could about the One who was to come. She saw Joseph, Mary and Jesus with Simeon and this is what the Bible had to say about their meeting:

“And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.” Luke 2:38 KJV.

Look closely, or you will miss it. She comes up. She was not introduced. But immediately, in that instant, she gave thanks, and began to give God praise. She didn’t hesitate for one moment to tell everyone there that this was the REDEMPTION of Jerusalem!

How did Anna know?  Because she fasted; she prayed daily. She spent time with God, she knew Him and she was waiting for the promise.

She recognized Him when He came.

Will you know Him?

Will you recognize Him in an instant?

Like Anna, we must spend our days in relationship with Jesus Christ. We cannot afford any less than to love Him, to delve deep into the Word and into prayer and fasting. We must deny our flesh the pleasures of this world and realize that these things will pass away. We will not be taking them with us!

Only what is done for Christ will last. Only reaching for the lost will be what really matters in the end. Reach out to Him today…He is waiting for you!

The Daniel Fast, A Devotional, is a great tool for ANY fast that you choose as a sacrifice to the Lord. 21 days of devotions and recipes too. Available in Kindle or paperback!

Fasting Together: Snacks and a Guest Writer!

Fasting Together: Snacks and a Guest Writer! Welcome to our series of Fasting Together, where we are sharing devotions and encouragement for every day in January! So, no matter WHEN you are fasting or WHAT type of fast you have chosen, you can jump in any time and feel welcome and blessed. You can also catch up on past posts, Preparation for a New Year,  Rebuild and Restore, ,Daniel Fsat Basics, Anoint your head, wash your face, When Fasting Turns Ugly and Is there POWER in Fasting? !

Sometimes the food on the Daniel Fast is so good we can forget we are fasting, and that can pose a problem. We are to eat a simple meal until we are partially satisfied or at the most, comfortably full, and get up and walk away.

But what about snacking? Is it allowed?

Today, my friend, Jaime Gibbs, is sharing an article from her blog, Like A Bubbling Brook. Jaime is very familiar with The Daniel Fast and has written many posts and articles about it. Please visit her site for encouragement and information about meal plans, recipes and even some great Daniel Fast Scripture cards you can print out! These are an awesome tool as is her Facebook page, be sure and browse around!

In this post, Jaime will share snacking ideas. Enjoy:

“Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink.” Daniel 1:12

One of the many questions we receive about The Daniel Fast is, “Are snacks allowed?” And then, of course, “What can I have and how much?!”

Thankfully, they are. Enjoy our helpful list of ideas for Daniel Fast snacks! 

We realize that fasting is to be a sacrifice. When we embark on a fast where we abstain from food completely, naturally, we are not snacking then. With the Daniel Fast, it is a bit different. We are to be denying ourselves things that we love and are used to partaking of on a regular basis; such as, meats and dairy. But, we are not going completely without food. On the Daniel Fast, we can stay on it for a longer period of time, which is spiritually and physically beneficial.

Three small meals a day and two light snacks would be sufficient for most. If we eat all day long, even Daniel Fast approved foods; we would miss the point of the fast. We must remember that the purpose is to draw closer to God, to go without things that we treasure and then spend more time with our Lord.

Many times we do need something easy and light; for work, traveling, school or just too busy at home and you do not want to fix a full meal. For those times that you need a light snack or even a lighter meal, we have gathered some suggestions for you; and all are allowed on the Daniel Fast!  You can access the full list of snacks by continuing on to my blog, Like a Bubbling Brook by clicking here. Be sure and check out my Daniel Fast Scripture Cards available for printing!

I’m Jaime, the creator of Like a Bubbling Brook. I believe you can cultivate a beautiful life filled with contentment and peace instead of anxiety and stress. That’s why my site exists.

I’m also a pastor’s wife with a MA in ministry, and mom to two incredible boys.

Want to know more about my site and my grace story? It’s over here. Let’s connect!



Be sure and join us here at Hope in the Healing again tomorrow, and every day this month for scripture, encouragement, devotions and recipes. And if you haven’t purchased my book, The Daniel Fast Devotional, there is still plenty of time, go here
